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Good Johnny A vid.


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Great looking guitars and cool amp choice too!

I love how fluid the man sounds when he plays.



He actually runs direct through preamps, that amp is just for the presentation he was giving at Gibson.


I can relate to how he plays as I am pretty much from the same school. I do like his sig guitar and by all accounts it is a great Gibson.

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He's an awesome player. It seems like an easy thing to make a melodic line pop out of chords when it's not formed by the higher notes (to which the ear normally goes to) but rather is inside chords, but it's actually a terrific thing to be able to pull that.

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That was interesting. First time I saw the man. I was only familiar with his name through the guitar model. I frankly thought he was an older dude from longer ago. But watching that hurt my brain a little bit, but I stayed with it and found it interesting. I think it's often interesting to learn or hear of the journey that a lot of great guitarists have made. But now I'll have to track down some of his music. I'd love to have that guitar too, but I'm swearing off the big ticket guitars for now. Maybe some day if I flip some inventory.



P.S. I particularly liked the bit where he was explaining how a lot of the Beatles chords were transcribed form piano chords. I had found before that some of their music had some odd and very difficult chord shapes in it, now I know why.

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He's great, one of my favorite players out there. He's got a fantastic sense of melody and feel and his music is a nice stylistic mix...a bit of jazz, some blues, some rock, some latin, some funk. Excellent instrumental stuff and of course he has killer tones. Normally I think he uses Marshall TSLs running direct to the PA. Not what I would have chosen for that style (or at all) but he makes it work!


Interesting point he makes about the chord melody on the "inside", I know I was taught the traditional way - put the melody on the top. He's unique in the fact that he puts chord melody in that style of music at all, even cooler that he has a different way of thinking about it.

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