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How can I change/improve the tone knob on my guitar?


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I just bought a Carvin HF2, which is the Allan Holdsworth signature guitar. I love everything about the guitar, except for the tone knob. I doesn't seem to respond the way that I'm used to on my other guitars, a Gibson ES-135 and a Fender Strat. As you roll the tone down, it only seems to roll off the very high frequencies, and then at the very last part of the turn, the tone gets a very strong midrange honk to it. The end result is that it doesn't seem to really darken the tone the way I'm used to being able to do on other guitars. It's something about the way this guitar is wired, because I've played other Holdsworths and they react the same way.


The HF2 is a two humbucker guitar with one volume and one tone. Currently there are two 500k mini pots with a .022uf cap connecting the volume to the tone, and a .001uf cap on the in and out jumpers on the volume. I gather that this is fairly standard for this type of pickup and control configuration.


Would increasing the rating of the cap between the volume and tone change things? Also, in most diagrams I've seen, the cap on the tone is between the tone pot and the ground, but on the Carvin they have it wired so that it's directly connecting the volume and tone pots. Is this electrical equivalent, or would changing this affect things?

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I just bought a Carvin HF2, which is the Allan Holdsworth signature guitar. I love everything about the guitar, except for the tone knob. I doesn't seem to respond the way that I'm used to on my other guitars, a Gibson ES-135 and a Fender Strat. As you roll the tone down, it only seems to roll off the very high frequencies, and then at the very last part of the turn, the tone gets a very strong midrange honk to it. The end result is that it doesn't seem to really darken the tone the way I'm used to being able to do on other guitars. It's something about the way this guitar is wired, because I've played other Holdsworths and they react the same way.

The HF2 is a two humbucker guitar with one volume and one tone. Currently there are two 500k mini pots with a .022uf cap connecting the volume to the tone, and
a .001uf cap on the in and out jumpers on the volume
. I gather that this is fairly standard for this type of pickup and control configuration.

Would increasing the rating of the cap between the volume and tone change things? Also, in most diagrams I've seen, the cap on the tone is between the tone pot and the ground, but on the Carvin they have it wired so that it's directly connecting the volume and tone pots. Is this electrical equivalent, or would changing this affect things?



I think that's the problem, it is a sort of treble bleed, and gives extra mid when you roll the tone down, which is characteristic for the Holdsworth sound. Just desolder one side of the cap and check what happens.

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