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Want an frankenstrat clone,dont buy from this guy!!


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Originally posted by SpanishFly

Hey Walt,

How many guitars do YOU own by this builder?
That's what I thought.

First off ... bmf5150 has never even seen a guitar from this builder. So, yes ... based on his admission that he's slamming this builders name on various public forums "in behalf of his friend" would tell me he's basing his statements on "hear say". And yes, when you go to the extent of bashing someone's reputation publically on the internet, especaially based on "hear say", then yes, there are grounds for a law suit.

For the sake of not harming this builders case against you bmf5150, I will say no more.

Start saving your lunch money.

Buh Bye

Just an innocent bystander here, but WTF are you? I am guessing you are either Mr. Frankenstraat or his lawyer. Either that or you're just some johnny come lately smart ass. I don't own one of yours or your clients products, and from what I hear I never will. All I see is some guy who was either a victim or a friend of a victim trying to get back at a shady character. What is YOUR stake in it? Pretty {censored}in' suspicious if you ask me.


Buh Bye:wave:

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Just an innocent bystander here, but WTF are you? I am guessing you are either Mr. Frankenstraat or his lawyer. Either that or you're just some johnny come lately smart ass. I don't own one of yours or your clients products, and from what I hear I never will. All I see is some guy who was either a victim or a friend of a victim trying to get back at a shady character. What is YOUR stake in it? Pretty {censored}in' suspicious if you ask me.


I'm glad to see the moderators of this forum accept profanity as the "norm" on this forum. Having said that ...


What's pretty {censored}ing suspicious is why somone would publically bash this builder so hard on so many different forums "in behalf of a friend". Ask yourself ... what is HIS stake in it?

And if you're SO impressionable as to believe everything you read on these forums, then you're just another stupid {censored}ing kid who spends too much time on the computer when you should be studying your arithmatic. :D

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Originally posted by SpanishFly

I'm glad to see the moderators of this forum accept profanity as the "norm" on this forum. Having said that ...

What's pretty {censored}ing suspicious is why somone would publically bash this builder so hard on so many different forums "in behalf of a friend". Ask yourself ... what is HIS stake in it?

And if you're SO impressionable as to believe everything you read on these forums, then you're just another stupid {censored}ing kid who spends too much time on the computer when you should be studying your arithmatic.

I like how you criticize me or the forum for profanity then proceed to drop a couple F bombs yourself.


Anyway, I did ask myself what his stake might be in it. It doesn't sound like it's profit...sounds at worst like it's bitter revenge. I can't imagine why someone would go to that trouble unless they were legitimately screwed over and squelched in another forum.


ALSO it's just MORE suspicious when somebody stalks the guy in this forum and starts insulting people as not having a life for being in the forum. Just how many forums do you dabble in anyway????

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Originally posted by SpanishFly

And if you're SO impressionable as to believe everything you read on these forums, then you're just another stupid {censored}ing kid who spends too much time on the computer when you should be studying your arithmatic.



An extension of Grace Hopper's A-2 programming

language, developed in about 1955. ARITH-MATIC was originally

known as A-3, but was renamed by the marketing department of

Remington Rand UNIVAC.




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Quit talking about yourself in third person... Mistersuperfly doesn't like that very much.


If you are trying to pretend to not be the guy, don't pretend to know so much about moderating. Mister all-3-of-my-posts-are-on-this-thread guy.


Delete this one.


What's the name of this guy's company? Let's put him right up there with King Vee...

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spelling is a good subject to study as well


Ha! That's funny coming from the KING OF CUTn'PASTE! :D


Did you save those quotes on your hard drive Mr. Hall Of Fame member? With over 6300 posts, I would say it's safe to say you probably don't have anything better to do with your time. :rolleyes:


And axegrinder, I apologize ... I dropped the F-bomb twice because it seems to be the "norm" around here. But I understand you not wanting your mommy to find you reading foul language on the internet, so I'll stop.


If you're lucky, there MAY be a Moderator on this board that is smart enough to figure out this thread is nothing but bull{censored} (oops, sorry axegrinder) ... garbage, and delete it.


Next subject please? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by axegrinder

Just an innocent bystander here, but WTF are you? I am guessing you are either Mr. Frankenstraat or his lawyer. Either that or you're just some johnny come lately smart ass. I don't own one of yours or your clients products, and from what I hear I never will. All I see is some guy who was either a victim or a friend of a victim trying to get back at a shady character. What is YOUR stake in it? Pretty {censored}in' suspicious if you ask me.

Buh Bye:wave:



What do you base Mr. Frankenstraat being a shady character on, aside from the topic-starter's post? How do you know _he's_ not trying to bull{censored} everyone? Why does anyone who tries to defend the accused assumed to be the accused or his legal council? Why couldn't they be one of the many happy customers Frankenstraat has had?





I can't imagine why someone would go to that trouble unless they were legitimately screwed over and squelched in another forum.



Maybe he (or his friend) has their own "business" providing a simmilar product and wish to discredit their competition? A personal dislike of the guy? Pettiness?


Some people are just mean, and do it for their own pleasure. Of course, there could be a legitamate complaint here, and he/his friend did get a dud and had trouble with customer service. However, which company/builder hasn't put out a dud, or had a less-than-ideal transaction?


I have no personal experience with either party in this conflict, and since I prefer my guitars to be tailored to me, and not some famous dude (doesn't mean I wont borrow a feature/idea from them), I doubt I will.

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I like how spanishtroll uses all his troll tactics to deflect from the original topic about a crooked rat. Of course whatelse can you do when you aren't the moderator (censor) of the forum? "When you control information, blah blah bllah"...whatever. Nice try......nnewwwwman.


Since you know so much about me, I guess i'll go play video games or whatever else I'm "supposed" to be doing.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by SpanishFly

Hey Walt,

How many guitars do YOU own by this builder?
That's what I thought.

First off ... bmf5150 has never even seen a guitar from this builder. So, yes ... based on his admission that he's slamming this builders name on various public forums "in behalf of his friend" would tell me he's basing his statements on "hear say". And yes, when you go to the extent of bashing someone's reputation publically on the internet, especaially based on "hear say", then yes, there are grounds for a law suit.

For the sake of not harming this builders case against you bmf5150, I will say no more.

Start saving your lunch money.

Buh Bye

i dont want to see any one else get screwed like this guy screwed a good friend of mine!from what my friend tells me about this frankenstraat hes a loser who is getting divorced and is file for bankrupcy,and has other problems like not claiming income hes making on the vanhalen cloned guitars.if this guy thinks he can afford to sue me for warning others,bring it on!!now i will contact EVH lawyers,i got all of my friends emails from this frankenstraat for proof!!


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Well I don't own any such thing, nor would I want one. I got over EVH when they released the second album. And folks are welcome to come here and discuss their negative experiences with a seller - happens all the time. Doesn't mean we take it at face value, but we keep it iin mind. And no, the mods don't delete those threads, people have a right to discuss their negative experiences, even if they are someone else's experiences, even if they are only negative in that person's opinion, and even if they simply believe the events actually took place.


The one who took this thread to thee gutter was Mr. Spanish Fly, who aparently has no reason to be here EXCEPT to throw around silly threats, curse words, and childish rants.


The funny thing is if Spanish Fly had just let it go, this thread would be winding down by now, and a memory by tomorrow.


Go back where you came from dude. We ain't buyin'

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Originally posted by SpanishFly

Hey Walt,

How many guitars do YOU own by this builder?
That's what I thought.

First off ... bmf5150 has never even seen a guitar from this builder. So, yes ... based on his admission that he's slamming this builders name on various public forums "in behalf of his friend" would tell me he's basing his statements on "hear say". And yes, when you go to the extent of bashing someone's reputation publically on the internet, especaially based on "hear say", then yes, there are grounds for a law suit.

For the sake of not harming this builders case against you bmf5150, I will say no more.

Start saving your lunch money.

Buh Bye


If builders could sue people for slamming their reputations, I'm pretty sure that Gibson's lawyers would have long since sued at least half the people who post on this forum.


No, son. You can't sue anybody so please get back under your rock.

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Well seeing that Spanish Fly has only 4 posts, and they are all in this thread, that leads to great suspicion.


i believe Spanish Fly is the one trying to deflect from the truth here.


i think we should continue with this thread and it's negative attention, so the real asshole gets exposed.

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Originally posted by GuitarNoobie

Well seeing that Spanish Fly has only 4 posts, and they are all in this thread, that leads to great suspicion.

i believe Spanish Fly is the one trying to deflect from the truth here.

i think we should continue with this thread and it's negative attention, so the real asshole gets exposed.


Maybe the mods could sticky this thread. :)

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Originally posted by SpanishFly

Ha! That's funny coming from the KING OF CUTn'PASTE!

Did you save those quotes on your hard drive Mr. Hall Of Fame member? With over 6300 posts, I would say it's safe to say you probably don't have anything better to do with your time.


and I would say it's a safe bet you are a {censored} licking douchebag, so {censored} you


funny you won't even stand up, be a man, and identify yourself and your {censored}ty guitars



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What do you base Mr. Frankenstraat being a shady character on, aside from the topic-starter's post? How do you know _he's_ not trying to bull{censored} everyone? Why does anyone who tries to defend the accused assumed to be the accused or his legal council? Why couldn't they be one of the many happy customers Frankenstraat has had?




Maybe he (or his friend) has their own "business" providing a simmilar product and wish to discredit their competition? A personal dislike of the guy? Pettiness?




bmf5150 ... you seem to know alot about the accused here and continue to bash him above and beyond the reasons for which you originally posted. If THAT doesn't make the people here who are defending you question your motives, I don't know what will.


This was about your "friend's" guitar, remember?

It has nothing to do with this builder's divorce, bankrupacy, or any other personal issues that you enjoy throwing out there.


I think anyone with half a brain will read this and know that your intent goes way beyond the love you have for "your friend".

And I just HAVE to ask ... why is it that this "friend" is denying your claims over on the EVH.com boards? Hmmm ....

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why dont you just admit you are Frankenstrat or whoever, and come out with the truth, instead of pulling all this bull{censored}, even if you {censored}ed up, people are more forgiving and responsive to honesty than to the arrogance you so proudly display............


this reminds me of the vengeance guitars thread we had earlier this month

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Originally posted by Alchemist

why dont you just admit you are Frankenstrat or whoever, and come out with the truth, instead of pulling all this bull{censored}, even if you {censored}ed up, people are more forgiving and responsive to honesty than to the arrogance you so proudly display............

this reminds me of the vengeance guitars thread we had earlier this month


Exactly!!hes worried about his sales declining and hes not a moderator of this board so he cant delete post in an attempt to cover his a#$ like he does at the EVH forum!

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If SpanishFly isn't "Frankenstraat" or whoever, then who IS he, and what is HIS motivation for comming on this board and attacking this thread?


SpanishFly has no more credibility than bmf5150. His behavior here knocks him down a notch in my estimation. I agree that personal issues aren't relevant here. What would be appropriate would be a photo or two of the guitar in question and a detailed list of the problems with it.

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SpanishFly has no more credibility than bmf5150. His behavior here knocks him down a notch in my estimation. I agree that personal issues aren't relevant here. What would be appropriate would be a photo or two of the guitar in question and a detailed list of the problems with it.


As for my behavior Walt, I apologize ... but let's face it, I didn't recieve a very warm welcome here to begin with.

And I did nothing more than what bmf5150 is doing in voicing his opinions.


And no ... I am NOT Frankenstraat.

I am however a very satisfied customer of his and think he's a very talented builder who deserves better than to have someone bashing him on several public forums in behalf of a "friend".

Sorta like bmf5150 took a stand for Warren at Southeast Guitars over on the EVH.com forums. And as it turned out, Frankenstraat was wrong, admitted he was in error and made a public apology.

I have no doubt that if Frankenstraat sold a guitar to a customer that didn't stay in tune, he would do what he needed to do to correct it.


Walt, I agree ...

What would be appropriate would be a photo or two of the guitar in question and a detailed list of the problems with it.


If you do decide to post pics, I think everyone here will agree that this guy does outstanding work. Hell, he may even get MORE business if you post pics! :D


BTW ... since the guitar sucks so bad, how much would you be willing to sell it for?

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