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Epiphone les Paul Alnico classic pickup specs (bridge)


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Slash's tone and metal are not going to come from the same pickup. If you want a true crisp tight metal sound a ceramic magnet is best. Slash is said to use alnico 2 magnets, which are very loose in the bass, but that is where his sinnging tone comes from (besides the rest of his gear and of course his fingers)


If you want to get something that can give you a compromise between thick and meaty and metal, but will not nail either you might want to look at something like a Duncan Custom (ceramic, more metal voiced) or the other Custom model with an Alnico 5 (like a modern toned 59 is the best I can describe it). An Duncan Full Shred or Distortion might get you into that middle-of-the-road territory too. I don't know DiMarzios product line so I can't go there.


This will keep you busy http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/audio-samples/humbuckers_and/


You could also go with a Gibson 498T which you could probably get pretty inexpensively used. This might be a good place to start


Of course there is always the huge selection from GFS if you are on more of a budget.


Hint: If you go Duncan, Gibson or DiMarzio, buy used. You can alsways flip these if they don't work for you with little or no loss of cash

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