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The small family shot


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So I finally got a decent camera to get a few shots of my small budding family, both of them are strats, one is a Fender MIM FSR HSS, the other WAS a Squier SSS but I completely customized it into a bit of a "metal" guitar, HH GFS Crunchy Rails Neck and Bridge, All new pots and 5 way, BoogieRail Tremelo. All In all was a fun experiance, Ill be setting it up to get a sound clip of the squier soon.


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Hey... we're beein' duped here.


I see three guitar cases and only two guitars!


What gives?


Just kidding... I dig em. As a back, back, back burner project, I wouldn't mind doing a blackout strat with humbuckers or maybe H/S/S.


Trem looks interesting. I'd never even heard of them before.

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Hey... we're beein' duped here.

I see three guitar cases and only two guitars!

What gives?



Hehe you caught me, that is actually a pretty ROUGH (and im being nice) Samick Acoustic electric that was given to me with a broken neck, luckily it had a bolt on neck so was easy to replace but doesn't play all that great.

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Thanks for the responses everyone, yeah I do realize I have 2 fender black on black strats...that being said, there is alot of upcoming projets im working on that will branch out of the just black color range, I may be as so bold to put some red or even green guitars in my collection. In the end I realised though, I am a decent player at best, but I LOVE working on them and setting them up.

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Nice family indeed. I did not know about the boogie rails - looks interesting.

I did a blackout Metal Strat a couple years ago. It started as a MIM FR Strat. I added an OFR and EMG's.



Yeah, I love that pic. That's about what I'll probably do but I'll go with passives... Almost certainly a Custom 5 and probably a couple noiseless singles... probably a couple Dimarzio Vintage 54s.

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And... other than the fact that it's pretty trick looking, what do you think about the Boogie Rail trem?



for the price, it does what it says it does, it is smooth and and work flawlessly, the ONLY issue I had was that Squier affinities are 1 1/2" and regular Strats (and most Squires for that matter) are 1 3/4" and the Affinity trem screws were too big, and when I picked up a set of screws for Fender Std bridge, they went all the way through the body and were catching the springs, so I had to cut them off a bit inorder to preserver propper performace. and that isn't even Boogierails fault, thats what you get when have a company that makes 20 different models in 30 different plants hehe.

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