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What Happened to My Country?


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The problem here is thinking you can fix or reform what's inherently a broken system. (I personally think it's not broken, it works exactly as intended....)

The solution is an elevation in global consciousness. It's the only way. I would like to think it's what we're seeing now. The reality is people like to learn things the hard way. Once they have endured enough oppression, they will rise above it. No pain, no gain...ya know?



I actually agree with you.

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I still don't understand how the rich paying more taxes helps anyone but the government? Does anyone in the middle class actually think that they will benefit? The money gets back to the government and then they decide where that money goes. This is the same government where the average net worth of lawmakers is nearly 7 figures, and the same government that has gotten us into HUGE debt. But yet people look to the government to help fix problems they created. Most of these people have never worked in the middle class. Full time politicians will never be anything more than OUT OF TOUCH. I've seen it on the most local level in ATL and LA.

I'm not against the rich paying more in taxes and stopping loopholes at all. But I think it's a mirage to think the middle class and poor will benefit at all from this. Money needs to be taken out of politics first and foremost. The government needs to be just as accountable for their actions as every other citizen. No more double standards. No more bailouts. Term limits, and more qualifications should be met in order to even run for office. People who break the law should go to jail (government and citizens!!!). If there's something wrong with the current system and people take advantage of capitalism (the human element that effects every ideology), make laws that punish those people who have harmed others financially.

Also, if public schools are going to work at all...maybe we should add a mandatory curriculum to the public school system on money management and the dangers of personal debt. Personal debt is a HUGE issue and a lot of people's financial problems are due to poor money management over anything that wall street has done.

Sorry for the rant...I could go on and on but I think we have way bigger issues facing the middle class and poor other than just wall street.




Ryst, I specifically agree with you in one area you haven't mentioned, which I do think is actually one of THE most fundamental forces driving government corruption, separately from the money thing: the revolving door between influential governmental federal roles, and executive positions in business, especially financial and energy corporate business.


At this point federal government and energy and financial speculator-land (can't really call it anything else accurately at this point, can we?) are so utterly hand-in-glove that no matter which part of the political spectrum you vote for, you're just going to be voting one politician out of office and into an executive role at some energy/speculator corporation, and another one recently just out of his/her energy/speculator corporate executive role and into office.


At the decision-making level, the people in government and running this whole shell game at the top are ONE AND THE SAME, regardless of which of the seemingly-two-parties they're coming from.


THAT has to change, and totally, before anything else will.

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Thanks for the props on the post. It's something I truly believe.

As to politics, it's too late -
I've thrown my hat into the ring
. My opponents are already making ridiculous accusations, like that I do moderation on a web site for musicians. They'll say
to discredit me.

To contribute to my campaign, go to


I like it, you get my vote Craig, even from Australia. :)

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