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Carvin DC-120 or Eastwood Classic 12-string electrics?


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Anybody had any experience with these? I'm looking for an electric 12 and have pretty much narrowed it down to these two. I've read the reviews on the main site, tossing it out here to get info from as many different sources as possible.


The Carvin in particular intrigues me because it has single/double coil switches for both pickups, a phase switch and active electronics, and I think that might be a nice setup for an electric 12. But I love the sound and look of the Eastwood from the clips I've seen on YouTube and elsewhere (and I actually like the sound of the cheaper Classic better than the more expensive and supposedly better quality Nashville).

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I've been looking at the same two guitars and I'm leaning toward the Eastwood. FWIW, I've played Fender 12 strings and the single coil pick ups really don't do it for me. I like the idea of active electronics in the Carvin but I'm pretty sure I'll just end up using the bridge pickup in dual coil mode all the time anyway since that's where all the "chime" seems to be.


I also agree that the cheaper Eastwood Classic 12 sounds better than the more expensive Nashville does. This may be because of the center block. Not sure but it's hard to argue with a $499 guitar that seems to be a great deal!

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