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Off Topic: 24, Jack Bauer and nasty terrorists.


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Without a doubt, my favorite show maybe of all time (well...up there with Three's Company, Cheers and Hogan's Heroes

Jack Bauer can take Chuck Norris' torture then break his neck!


Ha ,I just got Netflix and have been watching 24 seasons 1-4. Best cliffhangers evah!and boy the plots do thicken. was cool to see Almeida return from prison in seas. 3.Chloe/Edgar for comic relief.lol


Jack Bauer can make Chuck torture himself by tickling and then crap himself.

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Ha ,I just got Netflix and have been watching 24 seasons 1-4. Best cliffhangers evah!and boy the plots do thicken. was cool to see Almeida return from prison in seas. 3.Chloe/Edgar for comic relief.lol

Jack Bauer can make Chuck torture himself by tickling and then crap himself.



I'm sad what happened to Tony in the end. And I was literally SCREAMING at the screen right before Nina finally had her come-uppance.

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Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. I watched the first few episodes of 24 and couldn't get into it. I felt it was more successful as an expression of American xenophobia and stereotypical male aggression than it was as a piece of entertaining television.


But I like some pretty lame TV shows, so my opinion doesn't really matter all that much. I might have just been in the wrong frame of mind when I started to watch it. :D

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Loved 24 - just stay away from the last 8 episodes of S6

BTW, where's that movie we were promised???

P.S. - Dexter starts Sunday night

Yes...they leave the very last season as a damn cliffhanger! I need to know what the hell happens to Jack!

And a word of advice...If you see Jack Bauer coming towards you, I suggest you act like you don't know him and run away. You WILL get killed :cool:

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