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Sweet - Fender doing a Johnny Marr signature Jaguar


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... and he's also played Les Pauls and SGs, not to mention the Ric, ES355 and Strat pictured earlier in this thread. (Incidentally, much of the 'chimey jangly Rickenbacker' stuff on Smiths records was done with a Tele.) Anyway, you can't say JM hasn't been round the block a few times, guitar-wise ... so I guess everything on this guitar is pretty much the way he wants it.

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Twenty years ago, Johnny was playing a Strat.


And before that, he was on a Rickenbacker . . .


. . . or a Gibson 335. Neither of which could have been copied by Fender.


Besides, as the bio makes clear, Johnny's still pretty busy these days with Modest Mouse and The Cribs so it's not like he dropped down a black hole after The Smiths fell apart.

And as for the Mustang saddles, clearly they work for him so he's not about to change them. Kurt Cobain also swore by Mustang saddles on his Jaguars.


he quit modest mouse in 2009 but whatever

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