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Low string tension 'tube-thing'?


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Hello, title may be confusing but I don't know how else to explain this

This guy seems to have attached some sort of tube to his 7th string,

another person who translated the speech said that it has something to do with the tension.

Does anybody have an idea what exactly does it do?

It's shown at around 11:15 in this video.


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First, it's a 6 string. Not 7.

Something like a D-Tuna would make sense, but it just looks like a solid piece, no swivel or barrel adjuster or anything you'd need to switch tuning with it. 

Not that I have any clue what it would be for if it doesn't work like that.

Is there any footage of him using it while playing?

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Q: whats that tube on the bridge of your 6 string?

A: because ive dropped the tuning, i need to increase string tension. I bought it at a spare parts store.


This is what the player himself said in the interview

It would make a lot more sense if somebody found this 'tube' at some guitar-parts store, I have not seen any western online stores providing such stuff.

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