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Anyone here see the Travis Barker shoe?

unicorn princess

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thats right, travis barker of blink 182 and boxcar racer has his own shoe available in june. back in the day when he was playing with the aquabats and when he just started playing with blink 182, i though he was very respectable, but ttthhheeeennn the signature series stuff started rolling in and he started signing his name to companies like orange county and pro mark. but hey! those are drum related! why not? but now this shoe thing. i dunno. im in no way bashing him as a drummer, but i can think of a few people that deserve their own shoe more than he does. or mabey he was just one of the only peopel in the drum world to "sell out" to a shoe. and especialy one of the most expensive shoes DC makes. at 80 bucks, you better be one snotty rich kid to get a pair. any thoughs on this?

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Originally posted by HulkBlood01

wow...........for godssakes, Lars doesn't even have his own shoe! that sums up what i think pretty well.
waste of $$$ too.


That's cause Lars plays in things that are damn near hiking boots, rather than skate shoes.




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So your all saying that if you were a popular drummer and someone offered you an endorsment deal, either drum related or not, you wouldn't take it because it's selling out? {censored}, it's all about the money. If a shoe company said they'd give me a few million to slap my name on a shoe, your damn right i'd do it. He has talent and a reputation, why not make as much doe of it as he can? If I ever become a well known drummer, I'll endorse anything I can, and I'll do commercials if I have too, why not.

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Originally posted by drummer_jay

So your all saying that if you were a popular drummer and someone offered you an endorsment deal, either drum related or not, you wouldn't take it because it's selling out? {censored}, it's all about the money. If a shoe company said they'd give me a few million to slap my name on a shoe, your damn right i'd do it. He has talent and a reputation, why not make as much doe of it as he can? If I ever become a well known drummer, I'll endorse anything I can, and I'll do commercials if I have too, why not.



Well, I'd do that too. Same reason that I'd do drumming for anybody, even Celine Dion, if I was paid well enough.

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Originally posted by Chabo

Well, I'd do that too. Same reason that I'd do drumming for anybody, even Celine Dion, if I was paid well enough.


I'm sorry to hear you guys admit that ;) My plan is to be an honest, genuine artist/musician...if the money was what mattered, i'd be in a different business, since so far I havn't made any...you don't see Alan White, Brain, Bozzio endorse some company that literally has nothing to do with drumming.....maybe because their fans don't care what shoes they wear...anyways, to keep from looking like a complete anal hypocrite, i can totally see Travis thinking "gee, all those 11 year old skater-wannabes don't deserve to have that much money for a shoe, i never had that much money for shoes, so dammit i am gonna cash in!"

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Well, my reasoning is that if I can get a really good job (such as a two-album wonder band) for a few years, then I will be able to afford to play good music for the rest of my life. I'd rather not be a "starving musician."


Tons of bands "sell out" before anyone's even heard of them, and when their name gets out they play what they want. Tool, for example. Their first couple albums were really heavy, cause at the time that's what was popular. As soon as their name had gotten out and people had heard of them, they started to release softer songs which they had written years back, like Third Eye.

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I'm not going to get high and mighty about saying what I would or woudn't do if offered an endorsement. Hell, if Nike calls tomorrow and wants to make the "Old Steve" shoe, I'm all for it.


To me there's a difference between endorsing a drum-related product vs. a non-drum related product. Most drum companies want their endorsers to actually use the product and be knowledgeable about it. In most cases, both the drummer and the company benefit from the relationships. If Travis uses Zildjian sticks (which I guess he does), he benefits from the endorsement, but so does Zildjian. Aside from money, he also gets a customized stick built to his specs, and the exposure helps his band. As a drummer, I'd expect to see Travis using "his" stick most of the time, and I assume that he likes using them. If that convinces me that it's a good stick, great.


The shoe thing is totally different. What the hell does Travis know about shoes? I'm assuming nothing, so to me his endorsement is irrelevant. So what if he likes those shoes, or eats at McDonalds, or drives a Buick. It wouldn't effect my buying decision at all, and if he's making a few bucks in the process, good for him. Better to rake it in now while he can, because we all know how quickly bands disappear these days.


Look at it from the other side. A few years ago, Pearl had an ad campaign where they showed sports stars who were also drummers playing their drums. I think they had Mike Piazza and Randy Johnson both posing with their drums. I'm sure Mike and Randy got a free kit out of the deal, and maybe a few bucks. Good for them. But as a drummer, I didn't care at all. So what if these guys play Pearl, it's obviously just a hobby to them as it is to me. In the drumming world, my opinion is just as valid and informed as thiers. In this case, Pearl gained nothing in trying to convince me to use their drums. Maybe some 12 year old kid would be impressed, but I'm well past dreaming of playing major league baseball.


On the other hand, if one of them endorsed a shoe, or some other item directly associated with their profession, then maybe I'd pay more attention because the endorsement would be for something of which they have knowledge.


I guess my point is, most people can recognize a "valid" endorsement and an endorsement that's just hype. In the "hype" scenario, often times the company isn't paying very much to the endorser, and won't be getting much in return. In a "valid" endorsement, the endorser probably gets more out of the agreement, and the company sees a bigger benefit.


C'mon Nike, make the "Old Steve". C'mon Budweiser, I'll put your logo on my bass drum for some free beer.

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Originally posted by alnico7

They go up to size 15.

Im only age 14 and I allready wear a size 12.

If my feet keep growing, I'll be wearing some of those because no other shoe will fit.



Your feet start growing before anything else, and they stop growing before anything else. Five years ago I was 5'6" with a size 9 shoe. Four years ago (at age 13), I was 5'7" with a size 11 1/2 shoe. Today, I'm 5'11" with a size 12 shoe. Don't worry about it too much; you'll stop growing at some point.


Even if you end up needing a size 15, anybody will have a shoe that size that you'll like.

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Thats a really cool shoe snakeskin is tight but it has someone elses name on it meaning they might make a dollar a pair. Well noone is gonna make a dollar off of me so ill just go outside in the cold BAREFOOT so i dont have to give anyone any money for a cool looking product. They tried to trick me into buying somthing cool nope not gonna happen, Im to cool to wear the travis barker shoe all he cares about is money thats for sure... its all about him not increasing product awareness thats for darn sure. He has no right to design a shoe he doesnt know ANYTHING about them at all. To bad they sure look cool but ill go be angry because theyre 80 dollars. Yeah theyre DC's theyll last for about THREE YEARS before they fall apart but noones gonna get 80 dollars out of me for a cool shoe no-sir-e-bob


PS: I dont skate anymore so I shouldnt wear skate shoes because i dont really skate.... its like lying to everyone to make them think youre cool

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