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Most effective promotion you've done?


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Just curious what others experiences are with promoting an original band and what you have found to be effective in bringing an audience to your shows as well as increasing your fan base. Our shows are usually mentioned in the local magazines/paper and on radio shows that feature local music, but I'm not sure that it's helping that much. What works for you?

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Going to gigs and making friends on the local circuit, then getting fans and band to hand out flyers. Even better is to hand out flyers nad talk to as many of the people as possible If thye like you personally they are way more likely to show up and bring friends.

Then make sure you capitalize on every show. Only 5 people at your gig? Well play a blinder and then talk to each of them afterwards, give them free CD's and stay in touch getting them each to bring 5 people with them next time.


Word of mouth and the personal touch seem to work best.

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