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most expensive haircut EVER


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alright, so today i jumped in the car, started driving, and planned to get a haircut. unfortantly; i "somehow" stopped by the guitar center...and bought a new cymbal.


now, for those who stalk me out there; about a month ago i bought a saluda cymbal, and was very happy with it. but, since i "just happened to" have my saluda cymbal with me when i went into GC (alright...maybe this stop was slightly pre-meditated...) i brought it with me.


i bought a paiste signature 16" full crash for an ahhsum deal. i mean ahhsum (ahhsum = awesome, by the by.) thing is, i brought it home; now i need to decided i if i really like it. I played the cymbal in the store, and liked it. I played the paiste, it sounded ok. put the saluda on a stand, hit it...and realized the huge..chaziam (spelling?? if you dont know what that word is....its similar to 'large hole' haha) between the two. thats what really made me decide to buy it; it showed me what a truly musical piece of metal sounded like.


my question is; has anyone else had this problem? you buy something, bring it home, and then (hopefully) take a little bit of time to get used to it and really love it? thats what im hoping for...we'll see.

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