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What Brushes Do You Use???


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Dear fellow drummers,


Brushes are awsome. However, I find that they don't last too long with me. The brushes actually come out of the handle, given I play a little heavier. What kind do you guys use? I have always used the Regal's, But I'm always up to try new brushes. Recommendations Anyone?

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Copied from the Emperor X Thread. Sorry for the thread hijack.



These Steve Gadd brushies are supposed to be pretty good:

But I haven't tried them.

I've spent most of my brush time on the standard, anonymous retractable brushes with the black rubber handles. Old-standby, pretty much no matter who the manufacturer is.

I recently picked up a set of these Regal Tip 550Ws.

Got them mainly because I had never had a pair of brushes like them (wood handle, non-retracting), and I wanted to increase my knowledge of different styles of brush. They're nice. I leave them in the plastic sleeve in which they were sold to me, so they don't get munged up in my bag. So far, I like them fine, and it's nice to be able to get a different sound with the wood handle. Overally, though, I probably won't buy them again. I was thinking I'll evaluate the Gadd brushes next, but now you've turned me on the the Hamiltons, I may do that. Jeff Hamilton is an AMAZING brush player (not that Gadd isn't).



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Originally posted by sherman22

The brushes actually come out of the handle, given I play a little heavier.



Yikes. I guess this isn't from playing "Misty". What kind of stroke are you using that's causing this? You're just playing brushes as though they were regular sticks? I can see where that would chew up a brush after a certain amount of time. Getting in to the rim with the shoulder of the handle? It's a cool sound, for sure... How often would you say you go through a pair?


When I'm playing time with brushes neither of the brushes ever actually leaves the snare head. Obviously, if I'm needing to hit an ensemble figure, or something, yeah, but generally I'm playing good old-fashioned jazz brush time. My biggest concern is snagging brush wires between the edge of the head and the hoop!



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I find myself practicing keeping the brushes on the head at all times, easier said than done. There is so much one can do with brushes, I really find myself using them more and more. I even like to warm up with brushes sometimes, to sit there and do a swing for like ten minutes, just space out. It works, brushes help ones stick teqnique I think.


Favorite Brush Player?

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Actually, that brings up an interesting point, Sherm. I think there's a video on Drummerworld where you can check out Hamilton's lateral brush strokes. He doesn't strike straight down on the head, but comes in from a very oblique angle. Maybe something like that would reduce the wear and tear on your brushies?




Edit: Fiberskyns! http://www.drummerworld.com/Videos/jeffhamiltonforum.html



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LOL...Here's an idea...Maybe you could try using metal hammers instead of beating the holy hell out of your brushes...

Get a clue and learn how to play tastefully with brushes, and maybe you won't run into that problem. If you insist on having an ignorant playing style, don't gripe about the brushes.

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Originally posted by GApercussionist

LOL...Here's an idea...Maybe you could try using metal hammers instead of beating the holy hell out of your brushes...

Get a clue and learn how to play tastefully with brushes, and maybe you won't run into that problem. If you insist on having an ignorant playing style, don't gripe about the brushes.



Wow. This is really not constructive criticism at all. Welcome to the forum, please don't do this. He likes his brushes, and he likes the way he plays them. That's his decision. Lay off.



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WillyRay...Is that your real name? If so...umm...why don't you hee haw yourself and your ponytail right on out of my business :-)


It was a stupid question, it deserved a stupid answer.


And the moral of the story is: I noticed that due to your number of posts you're a "senior member"...sad. (And if you reply to this post, you're only adding to that sad title...maybe you'll be the first to reach "geriatric member" status.)

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