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Lol Earplugs!?!?


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what is with this hype about "ear protection"? I mean sure i value my hearing as much as the next guy but it just isnt worth it! all the earplugs ive used do succeed in dampening your perception of the sound but the also screw it up. I just cant get a feel for what im playin when i have cotton shoved in my ears. Know what i mean? anyone have some sort of suggestion to eliminate this problem? maybe a brand of ear plugs that doesnt screw you up?

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what is with this hype about "ear protection"? I mean sure i value my hearing as much as the next guy but it just isnt worth it! all the earplugs ive used do succeed in dampening your perception of the sound but the also screw it up. I just cant get a feel for what im playin when i have cotton shoved in my ears. Know what i mean? anyone have some sort of suggestion to eliminate this problem? maybe a brand of ear plugs that doesnt screw you up?



Forgive me but I'm always amazed at these kind of threads. If you lose you're hearing, then what? Hasn't everyone heard enough about musicians with hearing loss, tinnitus, etc? Imagine CONSTANT RINGING IN YOUR EARS. Do you think that might impact your playing? Take gcdrummer's advice and check out Sonic II earplugs. Here's a link - http://www.earinc.com/p1-filtered-sonicvalve.php.





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Get some Hearos. They only lower the volume. They dont change the lows or highs hardly at all. I have 2 pair, one on my kit and one on my keys whenever I need em. Theyre amazing. Like $12. Cheap and will keep ur ears in great shape. I can't imagine not being able to hear as I do now in 20 years. Imagine music with no dynamics, just loud and nothing.....

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I've seen threads like these too many times, and can't believe how many people don't wear hearing protection. The reason that ear plugs change the way things sound is because they are working. They don't attenuate all the frequencies equally, so you have to do some homework and find ones that you like. Maybe you will like the sound and feel of headphones. I use both, plugs with the band, headphones when I'm practicing. The added benefit of headphones is that you can get ones with built in speakers and/or a metronome.

For all the folks that don't wear hearing protection keep this in mind. Everytime your ears ring that means you lost your hearing at that frequency, and once it's gone it doesn't come back.




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I think a lot of people in this thread have misjudged what "hav3th1sm3rcy" was saying. some of you seem to be of the impression that he reckons earplugs are for pussies, or something like that. He is, in fact, saying the opposite.

He wants to use earplugs to protect his hearing, but can't find any that do the job while keeping the quality of the sound.


I use these Hearos (http://www.hearos.com/images/products/hearos-00211.jpg) when jamming and i'm about to get some professionally custom made ones for gigs.

Either Heros or those SonicII earplugs work fine, and if you have an issue with them, then you're quite simply too {censored}ing picky.


There will never be an earplug that perfectly lowers volume without changing the quality of the sound, it's impossible. It's just that some earplugs do it better than others (namely the custom ones made by medical practictioners).


You may not get the perfect sound you desire, but you NEED to make that sacrifice to save your hearing.

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Very good calls being made here - you NEED to protect your ears. It's not a debate.

A musician who can't hear is like a baseball player with no arms.

* not including Beethoven, but he was the only one!



Yes! Pay no attention to the deaf, yet brilliant and incredibly important, music composer when discussing the need for earplugs.


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Our drummer uses hearos when practicing alone and sound isolation headphones for gigs and rehearsals. The headphones should reduce the SPL by 29db to be effectvie. Of course, you'll need to mic your kit and maybe use a shield. You'll also need enough free channels on the mixer and your own headphone mix. Better go with the hearos. Pick them up from a music store. DO IT NOW!! You'll thank us when you're 40.

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I have known a couple of people who got custom molded earplugs with removable inserts that have differnt 'strengths'. The different inserts were rated at different db levels. They were supposed to be more comfortable, and they were supposed to have a more even effect over the whole frequency range.



I have these.


in addition to transparent hearing protection, you get to freak out every time you think you may have misplaced your $250 earplugs.


try the $25 ones, they may do the trick, with less stress.

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I mean sure i value my hearing as much as the next guy but it just isnt worth it!



i'm not sure which part is my favorite, this one where you say "it just isnt worth it" (what's not worth it, having hearing 10 years from now?) or the part where you call ear protection "hype"

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I got some custom plugs about a year and a half ago. They work great. I've never had any problems losing them. They're really comfortable. I use them playing in my band and in marching and they work real great. You don't notice how much they help till after you play with them. I can still hear everything on my set and in the line. If anything it seems as there's a little more bass than the higher frequencies. Still, I think they are a great investment.

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Where do you get the custom plugs?


After reading this post, I stopped by GC and grabbed a pair of Hearos, and I will say that they are pretty good. They keep the sound and dynamic at around 85% to my hearing. That's doing pretty well, and now I'm not afraid to let it rip.


Before this I was using cotton, and it was surprisingly decent, but attenuated the highs too much.

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When I use the normal foam ear plugs, I only put them in lightly so they just cut out the death rays of high end that pierce your ears. I may be defeating the purpose completely, but I don't have problems with my ears ringing or anything anymore.

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I hate capitalizing! But I am screaming this at you!


A few months ago, I was getting my kit setup on stage. While micing up, I kneeled infront of an 18 inch bottom throw to route a cable.


One of the guitarists plugged in 20 feet away and that speaker BLASTED into my left ear. I can't tell you how bad the pain was! A knife-like pain, that to this day still comes and goes. (No...I have not gone to a doctor yet.)


Lesson Learned? NEVER trust anything or anyone while on stage. No one is looking out for your safety except you.


Before you get on stage, put hearing protectors on and KEEP them on. I have no one but myself to blame for this happening. I hope I didn't destroy my left side hearing. But it keeps ringing and I fear my left ear is now FUBAR! All because I didn't put hearing protection on BEFORE I went up on stage.


I Repeat: If the gear is connected, and you are on stage, don't take off your protectors until everything is packed away!

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It's nice to come back to this thread and seeing people talking about positive things to do for hearing. ESPECIALLY THOSE IN DRUM LINES!!! I marched line for four years and I'm almost half deaf in my left ear. Having ear plugs was unheard of for it, and I'm well aware that having a metronome blasting at me, cymbals crashing, and ping shots on snares probably had a lot to do with it. :(

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Okay...guess I should begin my response with....Huh??.....No, seriously...fellow drummers...PLEASE wear ear protection....God KNOWS, society does NOT need a new breed of Drummers' Ears, running around, parentless!!....J.A.G.....yes, you are a CAPITALIST...also, JAG..you are NOT solely to blame, for your incident....your guitarist 'plugged in' 20 feet away?...and WHATEVER he plugged in to, was switched ON?!?!?....considering your ears were literally 'in' the speaker cone, it wouldn't have mattered if the guitarist was 320 feet away....why do you guys have equipment/amps at 'ON' position, when you are still 'plugging-in', and setting up?!?!?Lastly, maybe call a meeting of the band...discuss how much you all 'care' about each other....if the entire band can't be concerned about each others' safety/well-being....then, CHANGE bands!!..if you believe, that NOBODY else in the band is concerned about your safety/hearing, then perhaps, your guitarist did that on purpose...so, again, i reiterate...QUIT THAT BAND, or fire the asshole that plugs into powered up amps!!!


I hate capitalizing! But I am screaming this at you!

A few months ago, I was getting my kit setup on stage. While micing up, I kneeled infront of an 18 inch bottom throw to route a cable.

One of the guitarists plugged in 20 feet away and that speaker BLASTED into my left ear. I can't tell you how bad the pain was! A knife-like pain, that to this day still comes and goes. (No...I have not gone to a doctor yet.)

Lesson Learned? NEVER trust anything or anyone while on stage. No one is looking out for your safety except you.

Before you get on stage, put hearing protectors on and KEEP them on. I have no one but myself to blame for this happening. I hope I didn't destroy my left side hearing. But it keeps ringing and I fear my left ear is now FUBAR! All because I didn't put hearing protection on BEFORE I went up on stage.

I Repeat: If the gear is connected, and you are on stage, don't take off your protectors until everything is packed away!


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etymotic makes a good set of protectors also... $11.00 for a set... all frequencies are there just cuts the db's to non-injurous levels... too bad i didnt have this kind of technology available when i started playing... it really sucks when you have to ask people to repeat things because your high frequency hearing is {censored}ed... sure i still hear things but the sounds that make speech intelligible are lost, forever... and the best hearing aids are mechanical sounding... ultimately it's your choice one way or the other, but if you chose not to use it then remember when you get a little older and keep having to turn up the treble to be able to hear the crispness of a cymbal and people need to be looking directly at you in order to understand their words, that some stupid old drummer not so long ago told you this could happen if you dont stop and think about taking care of yourself...


just my 2 cents...

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something i dont see in this thread is that it isnt only the volume that kills you rhearing, it's constancy of sound as well... you dont have to have your ears plastered to a marshall cabinet... a couple of hours daily spent listening, practicing etc, takes it's toll as well... ask a competent audiologst and you might be surprised at what you can learn...

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