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Hello there!

Mr. Smiley Face

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I just thought I'd stop in to introduce myself. This is a great forum with a ton of intelligent and helpful people and I'm really happy to be a part of it.


A little background info about myself:


-I've been playing the drums for almost 6 years

-I play Yamaha Drums and (mostly) Sabian cymbals.

-I'm sixteen years old

-I play in a Rock/Indie/Pop/etc. band

-I'm Canadian (eh??)

-I'm a pretty friendly guy so if you have anything to ask/tell/teach me, I'm all ears :)



Mr. Smiley Man

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Welcome to "The Worlds Slowest Loading Drum Forum", There a ton of very wise individuals here. If you need something answered quick though, you are soooo screwed. You being in Canada, prolly like two dys, give or take and hour.:facepalm:

Looking forward to seenig you around.:thu::wave:

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How can your name be Mr. Smiley Face and not have an awesome profile picture? Anyway, nice to meet you, and I'll be 16 in 3 days.



Uploading my avatar doesn't seem to be working, I know there have been a lot of issues with HC lately so I may have to wait... but once the time comes I promise I'll get a nice and happy pic:)

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oh yeah, i forgot to mention, along with my Yamaha's I play the WORLDS ONLY ELECTRIC DRUMS!!..... :lol:


But seriously, thanks for the warm welcome :)


I'm just getting set up a bit for recording my set so I should have some sound clips and/or video to show you guys in the next few weeks

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I'm just getting set up a bit for recording my set so I should have some sound clips and/or video to show you guys in the next few weeks



Until then, you'll have to pay dues by posting a few pics of the kit. Front and drivers seat.


btw, welcome!

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