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Pearl Eliminator settings


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Well, I guess I will list the rest of it: Chain for now (might change to a strap soon) board set a little above medium, spring is all the way loose, and the toe guard is off, I can heel-toe better with my foot all the way up. The beater is one of the following: My rubber band beater (Thanks cearleywine for the idea!) or an older DW half wood, half felt, on the felt part. I need to get another felt beater soon though... footboard way the {censored} back.

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Blue Cams, Medium Tension, Horz. Curved Felt Beaters, Footboards all the way back, Mid Chain Setting. I do something a bit different than the stock setup. My main kit is a double kick so I bought one Single eliminator and the double setup. That way I have 2 singles for the big kit and a double for the smaller single kick kit. Then I bought the beater holder and an extra spring setup. I run the Slave pedal with an extra spring on the slave pedal and run each spring set to half the normal tension. This setup takes a bit of the stress off of the universals. I also have the 2000 series hat stand with the same settings.



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My rubber band beater (Thanks cearleywine for the idea!) .


:) Nice to see that it's holding up for you. I may try it some day. I bought a DW large round felt beater for my DW5000 about a month ago. Really liking the dynamics I get with this, great for my jazz group while still being able to push the rocking blues group I started playing with. I tried a generic round felt one and it was {censored}, I've found you need a solid weighted beater on that solid of a pedal.

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Fairly tight tension, Blue Cams, Belt, Beaters are 3"-4" from the batter, footboard angle is medium. Hate the eliminator beaters. Replaced them with DW SM 105 Hardcore adjustables. I can really control the attack with them and I like the weight.

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Springs as loose as they'll go, all the way back, red cam, Pearl 4-way beaters set to one of the plastic ones (does it really make a difference, even though they each curve a different way?), removed the toe stopper. I don't understand all these guys who tighten the springs as tight as they'll go. Even when I'm playing heel-toe there's not a problem with speed, and for most gigs I'm just playing three 1-hour sets of covers... I want those beaters to hit the drum with as little force as possible. I'm worn out enough at the end of the night already!

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