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OT: Victorian bushfires


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Just wondering if most of you guys on this forum from overseas have heard of the Victorian Bushfires that has killed something like 173 people and they are expecting it to hit up to 250


our worst bushfires on record i believe


has it been on the news in America because President Obama i think rang our PM n offered help or something.

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On radio and on cable news. About a year ago had big wildfire here. North Florida. We were evacuated from our home. Luckily they were able to contain mostly into the nearby forrest. Hazy and smokey here and ashes were like a dusting of snow.


Hope you are doing well. Take care and be safe. My prayers and thoughts are with you. IS so sad to hear of destruction. Be safe and God's speed.

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Bushfires in Victoria, floods in North Queensland. There's some crazy things happening here at the moment. Thankfully i'm nowhere near either of those places. How close are you to the fires Milo? Hope you stay safe man, i wish i could help out in someway. I hope they catch the suspected arsonists and string em up. {censored}ing scum.


Best wishes to all Victorians (there's maybe.... one other one on this site somewhere...?)

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Bushfires in Victoria, floods in North Queensland. There's some crazy things happening here at the moment. Thankfully i'm nowhere near either of those places. How close are you to the fires Milo? Hope you stay safe man, i wish i could help out in someway. I hope they catch the suspected arsonists and string em up. {censored}ing scum.

Best wishes to all Victorians (there's maybe.... one other one on this site somewhere...?)



there really is some crazy {censored} happening in the land of Oz

im not really that close to the fires luckily, i live in wheelers hill near glen waverley. probably bout 30-40 minutes away from some of the fires.

i really do hope they find those arsonists, i hope they burn in hell. some of the stories are horrendous,

for instance, my mum was telling me


A father and his two kids were about to leave their house in their car when the dad went back to get something and wasn't gone long at all to find that his car was burning and his two kids had died


honestly, that is just so scary n sad but there are so many stories like that.

thanks for the concern guys

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My heart goes out to all you folks in Australia. Been watching it on TV. Terrible disasters. Living in California, I've been around several wildfires and some flooding but nothing as bad as what's happening there. I could have been down there with you. I investigated moving to Australia when I graduated from college years ago. At that time, the Australian government would pay a one way fare if you had skills they wanted. Was ready to pack my bags but my wife didn't want to move that far from her family. Broke my heart. I really wanted to move there. My family's prayers are with all of the people Down Under. Be safe. Bill.

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You guys carry the Death penalty right?



na we don't but hopefully these guys once put in jail will get {censored}ed up in there:thu:


not all the fires were deliberately lit however there we a lot that were

on the main day it was 46 degrees and winds up to 100km/h so it was always going to have fires but for people to light them is just wrong


and today there have been reports of two new fires being deliberately lit.

what is wrong with these {censored}ers

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Man its really {censored}ed! I really hope they do catch those cold heartless bastards!

By the way milo I didn't realize anyone on this forum lived so close to me, i live in mount waverley lol.



hahaha wicked

yeah i live just a few streets down from caufield grammer around jells park


where u at? do u live near mnt waverley maccas n that corner?


how old are u? do u go to school?

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The whole of New Zealand is behind you guy's, the suffering is terrible. We have sent some firefighters over to help. The smoke from the fires has reached our coast.

Thinking of you Vic's.


man i can't believe its reached your coast. yeah u've sent the biggest helicopter in the SH over to help which is pretty rad.

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Its great that your firefighters are helping, other fire fighters from all over aus are helping to. Milo: Sorta in the middle of there and mount station. and i'm year 12 this year.What school you at??



yeah im in year 12 at mazenod wat school u at? u 17 or 18?

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man i can't believe its reached your coast. yeah u've sent the biggest helicopter in the SH over to help which is pretty rad.


Yeah it has a massive bucket under it. If your Police catch the arsonists they could put them in the bucket and drop them on the fire......:thu:

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Yeah it has a massive bucket under it. If your Police catch the arsonists they could put them in the bucket and drop them on the fire......


na man, put em on a stage infront of all those that have lost loved ones. they'd have to want to kill themselves

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I lived in Aus for a year and have good friends in Melbourne.......I remember a flight from Melbourne to Sydney and as we were descending the pilot says "don't worry about any smoke in the cabin...it's just the bush fires.."


Also I remember driving through the Northern Territory and seeing many small (but big enough!) bush fires along the side of the highway...virtually on both sides of the car....I made sure to step on the gas through those areas let me tell you... Those things move {censored}in fast.....


Seems like every year it gets worse there.....drought, bush fires and floods up north....crazy...


Such a gorgeous country...I miss it a lot.

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