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First Gig!


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Relax and breath. Feel the groove, you've played it over and over. Focus on the job at hand, drumming and keeping the band in time. You'll be "in your zone" by the third song. Have a hell of a time and smoke them. Not with flare, but poise and taste. Lay low, they will come. Poop first though. I do every single time I play, and I never feel nervous. But I do feel like I have to poop- so I aleays do.

NEVER, EVER get Monkey Butt!!!!!!!!!!! If you do, you will need a shrink to get through the aftermath of the entire horrific incident. It's painful. Not the Monkey Butt so much, unless you're a huge wimp, the inciddent may result in the uncontrollable urge to castrate your cat. Mine's still pretty pissed about that.

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A common thing to do when I was younger/drunker/underage, was to {censored} in the sink in public restrooms wherever we hung out...

I was a calling card of sorts...



Nice. When I was in grade school we had a bandit pooper that would drop a load in the urinal a few times a week. Nobody ever found out who he was and the topic being brought up at assemblies and before class kinda made you root for the guy.

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Good luck man! Had my first real gig last week and like you I was nervous. But after set up and a quick sound check, it was no big deal. Once you get going the people disappeareYou just start swinging and cover your mistakes. Really man, after the first chorus you'll feel the energy of the room and you'll just play. If you have to play a strange kit, keep it simple and hit em hard and dance around like you're having fun. The good vibes are contagious. You'll have fun I promise.

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So much great advice here... The only thing I would add, and it has nothing to do with prep, is RECORD your set. Even if all you have is some p.o.s. Radio Shack cassette recorder, record the gig. You will learn a lot afterwards and know what to work on for the next gig.

And if you do screw up, let it go - don't make faces or -worst of all- stop mid song. That's the rookiest of all rookie moves. :facepalm:

Have a blast man, there is nothing like it! I did my first live gig in 1982 and they still get me higher than anything!

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Relax and breath. Feel the groove, you've played it over and over. Focus on the job at hand, drumming and keeping the band in time. You'll be "in your zone" by the third song. Have a hell of a time and smoke them. Not with flare, but poise and taste. Lay low, they will come. Poop first though. I do every single time I play, and I never feel nervous. But I do feel like I have to poop- so I aleays do.

NEVER, EVER get Monkey Butt!!!!!!!!!!! If you do, you will need a shrink to get through the aftermath of the entire horrific incident. It's painful. Not the Monkey Butt so much, unless you're a huge wimp, the inciddent may result in the uncontrollable urge to castrate your cat. Mine's still pretty pissed about that.



I am a Monkey Butt victim. First time was on a throne in Michigan, where I jammed for 12 hours straight. Hell may very well hath no fury...buy my ass was a very, very close 2nd place.


The next time (multiple, I seem to like torture) - 6-12 hours rides on my motorcycle. When sitting down at a restaraunt makes you cringe - congrats, your ass looks like that of a baboon...


I'm debating on trying hose or spandex...or just wearing a kilt and be "traditional" in how they are worn...

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the show went very well. I took a dump before the show, and I honestly think that was the best advice. lol seriously! :thu: the sound guy screwed us over good bit, but I think it was just cause he didn't know what he was doing. he was looking at that mixer like it grew new knobs since last time he used it. I got screwed and my side fill was down so low, I ended up playing the entire show without hearing my bassist (or anyone else really). kinda sucks cause I asked for more bass twice... the 2nd time I think he did that whole sound guy BS where they act like they're turning your aux send up, but not really, and then look like you like they did something...

when all is said though, we rocked it. we were playing the smaller of 2 stages, and one of the first bands on at that (the other stage is huge) regardless... we brought a bigger crowed than any band there that night. they actually had a hard time fitting everyone in the bar. it was awesome. what ever nervousness I had went away during set up and sound check.

the people in charge of that venue were really impressed and want us back to do a bigger show on the main stage.

I'll get pics posted and maybe video of the crappy little stage we played as soon as I can

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Well, darn, James, had I known you were local, I'd have come out to see/support you. I see in the pics it was an Ear Candy event at Club Red. Nate's a good friend of ours. We helped him kick off the first Ear Candy event last year. We also play Club Red occasionally.


Not a great vid, but it's clear you were ROCKIN' hard and you had a good groove goin'.


I'll add your band as a friend and try to make another show sometime. If you get a chance, come see us too. We're playing next Saturday at KO's in Scottsdale (free) and then Friday April 3rd, we're opening for Eddie Money at Westworld (not free) :)

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right on, club red has a pretty decent stage. I'm excited to rock that sucker in may. it's a shame we didn't get it last time... that red owl stage we played on is even more cramped than it looks. really odd shape too.

ear candy is doing pretty cool thing, and I totally support them.

I checked your band, pretty cool stuff. do you guys do only covers or orginals too?

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Just a few originals. We're just in it for the fun.


We've played both stages over there a few times. The big stage is nice but the small stage has the benefit of the indoor/outdoor bar and the smokers tend to hang out on that side. Many times, the smaller stage has the larger audience ;)


Last time we were there, Kim mentioned he's remodeling the Red Owl side (removing unused kitchen/brick wall and widening the stage) so it should be much less cramped eventually.


Send me an invite to your May show and I'll come down if we're not booked.

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