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hey, I'm going to be getting new cymbals!


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So, my report card came in and (to my parent's surprise, althopguh I knew) my grades kicked ass. Better than the 9th grade report cards of any of my older siblings.


So, I'm going to be able to get some new cymbals. (I'll probably buy used and/or saluda)





tell me what's up!


don't bother with hi hats unless it's a killer deal, I'm gonig to probably get Carpathian's bottom paiste 2002 hat.


let me know if you have any cymbals for sale


My favorite cymbals that I've played that I can think of are Paiste's B20 cymbals, but those are either expensive or rare. Or both. I'm not usually a big fan of zildjians, but I've liked the older, vintage ones that I've played.

Price is key here. I'm using all Paiste PST series right now, so yeah.

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I already mentioned saluda, man. It's an option. I'd like a 22" or 24" decadence ride. But I can't play it in person.


There's an 18" dream bliss thin crash on CL. I might pick that on.

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What I need to replace most are my hi hat and crash-ride (PST3 bronze... ewgghh)


I'm looking for


18"-20" crash ride

14" (ro maybe 13") hi hats


after I get those, I'm going to sell the old hi hats and crash (probably wont get too much) and the 14" PST5 thin crash I have (too small) to fund a thin crash cymbal (17" probably, maybe 18"). The PST5 20" ride I have is okay.


probably going to look at some 602s on ebay and see if I can find any paiste prototypes as well (there's a 19" ride at greenwodd guitar center for $99)





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got an 18" zildjian 70s. hollow logo. pics to come, maybe clips. Wow, this thing is dark and dense, a good jazz ride for sure. I'nm picking up a used 20" Sabian AA asap that i palyed. If i can pony up the cash, there was a 17 paiste prototype crash that blew my mind. It sounded amazing. Couldn't find a good pair of hats or a single hat for cheap, sooooo I'm gonig to CL for that.

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