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Fans picking up radio signals?


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Sometimes when I am in my room with the fan on, and if I listen really closely, I can hear faint music. When I turn off the fan, the music stops. I have searched my room/house, and cant find any electronic things that would produce sounds (that were on). I have come to the conclusion that my fan is picking up radio waves.

Here is the fan is question.


Am I going crazy, or is this plausible?

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It's not impossible.. Once I stepped on my fuzz face and a christian channel came through my amp.. Might also be slight very slight schizophrenia.. Also look at houses around the area for antennas that don't look like TV antennas.. They might be doing short wave radio or something..

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This is common with stereos, amps and PAs, anything with a speaker. Fans, not so much.


The reason is that unless we're out in the boonies, we live in a highly radio-saturated environment. Not just actual radio stations, but add in all the 2-way stuff, police, fire, and EMT radio, security systems, cell phones, wi-fi, the list is endless and getting bigger every day.


I can tell you that as a builder of audio gadgets, keeping this stuff out of audio circuits via shielding is a bitch.


The solution to your fan problem is to build a Faraday cage and live inside it.

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So for EMI at 87.5 MHz (the lowest VHF you should encounter), you need be at least three and a half meters (really 3.429m) away from the source. So pretty much start looking for large antennae in your backyard or kitchen.



Also, like DTD mentioned, find out what model of fan has a hidden speaker.

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radio frequency [RF] is your culprit


probably have an exposed wire somewhere on that fan.

everytime i set up a press conf with the cowboys and have to use their mult box i get talk radio and its always an exposed wire .

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Is there any type of speaker anywhere in the room (even in a tv)?


If so, perhaps the fan requesting a load (electricity) from your outlet causes some residual to power whatever type of speaker is in that room enough to allow for coil movement.

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  • 6 years later...
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My fan as started doing it last few days maybe from wet weather been having and dust in the motor. Its quite a big fan and at first thought was going nuts, But tonight it was quite loud and could easily hear the 4 radio stations reasonably clear which is annoying as I sleep with my fan on. :/

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