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Custom DrumstiX


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Most of you know I've been around these parts quite a while. As such, I want to pass along a new venture I have created and hope you will all check it out. I'm not going to beat around the bush, so here goes.


About a year ago I signed on as an endorser with a custom drumstick company. The product was fantastic, but for a variety of reasons, that company had to shut down. Instead of letting a great product fall by the wayside, I have started a new custom drumstick company with the primary stick maker from the other company. CDX opened it's metaphorical doors yesterday!


The website is www.customdrumstix.com. (Yes, it is spelled that way intentionally). What makes our company different is that you get to design every aspect of your stick including length, diameter, tip type, taper...etc. We also offer some different (and exotic) wood types to really differentiate ourselves from everyone. You can even have your own logo or signature put on the stick!


That's all I'm going to say for now. Please check out the site and let me know your thoughts. I'll always be around to answer questions.


As of launch we are offering bricks as a baker's dozen. (So for every 12 pair you order, you get one free).


And because I love my forum family, anyone who places an order can use the promo code "harmony" for an extra 15% off their order.


I can't wait to hear your thoughts!



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OK...some things I saw...1) You got a lot of reading there...it could be formatted to read easier and break up some of the long lines of text. Have some pix to go along with descriptions. I have no ides what an "old school" bead is as an example...show me...pictures speak louder than words. 3) Think of the 8 second rule in marketing...which means you got 8 seconds to grab your audience and hold their attention. The first series of web pages should be uncomplicated like leading the audience down a path into your site. 4) be helpful and strategic with your photos. I went to page 2 and it looks like you have one set of sticks to make and a whole lot of blank type images. because one showed sticks and ALL the others show that one graphic, I thought they were like an "image not available" placeholder...made it look incomplete to me. Put up a picture of those woods so the customer has some "look"references. 5) Take down the word "Tour" in the wood column and change it to types. I thought I was gonna see a movie of how the wood is manufactured for your sticks and instead I saw wood choices and descriptions (which was good) but it didn't go with "tour". 6) Putt some pictures up of the artists...make them visible. Put pictures up of the manufacturing process as well. Put your audience in the factory with your people...ever see those cymbal manufacturing sites...they have coal furnaces and hammering and cutting...they want to show the public that "hey, this stuff aint easy...you can't just go out and whittle down some oak tree and get a stick...you want them to hear "you gotta come to me if you wnat the real deal on sticks".


I would also put some real specs about quality "control" in there...How can you guarantee non warpage and good playability...


I hope I'm not being too critical...I do want you to really get off on the right foot.

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Whiplash - Yes, we can duplicate specs. In the FAQ there is a section on how to do it.


Carmine - Don't worry at all... in fact, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.


1) I'll work on reformatting the text some, you're right about the pictures for tip types. We do have some, but it didn't integrate with the site very well (right now). That's the next phase plan for sure.


3) Interesting comments - our we discussed that exact concept with the web designer and that is what he said for page 1. (That is why page 1 is simple but states EVERYTHING). We segmented the details to try to keep that less is more concept but still get all the information out there. I don't know much we can do about it...but I'll definitely think it through.


4) The pictures on the order page should be fixed. I think it is a browser compatibility issue because it shows fine on some. I'll get that fixed tonight!! Thanks for the heads up on that.


5) This is a big you are 100% right! Funny you mentioned it all to - I wanted "Wood Types", my partner wanted "tour". Your comment may be the one that gets my backup! We also have pictures of the manufacturing process that will go up VERY soon. (Some legal mumbo jumbo had to get sorted out first... fixed as of yesterday and waiting for some signed documents). Also, that being said we are going to put up a video of the shop later!


6) Also in the works. The artists are supposed to be sending me detailed bios and photos. That should be up by the end of the week.


The quality stuff is mentioned in the FAQ, but I'll look for a good place to make it more prominent.


Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming!


And for anyone in the Atlanta area, we plan on doing an open house this weekend for people to see the shop!



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Maybe you should also think about taking a small trip and booth to NAMM in January......:cry::cry::cry:although it doesn't look like I'll be able to get there any time soon.....wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa:cry::cry: sniff sniff...after all, ya gotta spend a little money...sniff sniff...to make money wwwaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaahah:D

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Does your hard maple have the same weight as the maple Vic Firth uses? This is such a great concept, I've been having ideas as long as I've been drumming. I typically want something very similar to Erskines ride stick, but maple and slightly thinner. Also, is that price per stick or pair?

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Whiplash - Good question. The $3.50 is per pair. But there is no set-up charge.


Cearleywine - I can't answer the question as to the weight of maple vic firth uses. I don't know their specs. I can tell you our maple is hand selected to assure straight grain and less of a chance of breaking. (This is especially important with a thin stick).


What you are describing is really the gist of what we are trying to do. You have a stick you like but isn't perfect. You can look up the measurements on VF site to the Erskine stock, and then tweak what you want on our site!



and Carm... we are planning a small booth at NAMM - but probably going to be the June show. I don't think we can make it happen in January. Also planning a trip to the next Pasic and possibly even an appearance at the next HC Drum Jam!!! (Need funding - will travel!)



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Would love some pics demonstrating the different styles available.

It'd be nice to have some examples available of popular sticks. Like what diameter a Vic Firth 5B is, or something like that.

Prices seem great too. I might order a stack with my bands name on 'em. Could be cool merch.

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please add tip pics, not sure what I prefer is available. Also, I think it'd be a good idea to do 16th or at least 8th measurements around the 16" mark.



This is a great comment and one that we struggled with for a VERY, VERY long time. We can actually make ANY length as fine as 1/32nd of an inch. We had to limit the options on the drop down menu because otherwise you would be scrolling through hundreds of sizes. What ever "common" increment we use, we decided had to be between 15" and 17". Our web designer suggested that we limit options to less than 25 per selection. Even though we went a bit above that, 1/4 inch increments are most common and that is why that decision was made. However, I really like the feed back since we debated that very point and maybe we will change it eventually.


For now, if you would like to order a size not in the drop down it is very simple. Select the option that says "XX-I will enter a specific length" in the drop box, then enter the specific size in the comments at the bottom.




EDIT: Oh yeah, and tip pics are coming!

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can you make a stick similar to the vic firth danny carey signature? it has a little bit of a taper at the fulcrum, which i LOVE.



Yes we can. You have a few options!

1) We can "copy" his stick so that it is almost exactly the same. There will of course be some small differences and you could use a different wood if you so choose.

2) We can make a custom pattern if you want to change some specs. (Smaller diameter, length, different tip... etc). That grip taper isn't a huge change, so may not require any major upcharge for a custom pattern. I'll have to check with my partner.



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Would love some pics demonstrating the different styles available.

It'd be nice to have some examples available of popular sticks. Like what diameter a Vic Firth 5B is, or something like that.

Prices seem great too. I might order a stack with my bands name on 'em. Could be cool merch.



Regarding the photos: This is also a great point that was (honestly) thought of and discussed. We do have a lot of finished pictures now up on the "Photos" page. However, our nitch is that we don't have any models...right now. We make exactly what you want so we wont have any stock model photos.


We also debated a comparison chart that has the common diameters for common sticks. (ie 5A, 5B, 7A, 2B etc..). The problem is that every (major) stick manufacturer uses slightly different specs for each size. There is no industry standard. As such, we couldn't use a set of specs from any one company (of the big 3) without legal risks. We may do a generic spec chart in the future, and seeing you even mention it makes me reconsider not including it at launch.


Re: Sticks for Merch: I think this is a fantastic idea and something I am already discussing with a company that does music merchandising. It will be cheaper if you go direct ;-) FYI - I sold a pair right out of my bag for $15 with my bands logo. (I was an endorser with my partners old company before we started this one). I strongly believe you can make money for the band doing it for merch... it's something different that every band doesn't have.




And to all - sorry for all the multiple of replies, but I wanted to make sure I got back to everyone with clear answers!

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I think pics for stick diameter and length would be redundant, but pics of the tips and taper would be sweet. I have no idea what the diference is between "acorn" and "old school acorn" pics identifying each type would be badass.


Also, it could be a bitch to set up, but having a way to preview custom designs on the sticks would be awesome too.

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I was looking through your photos and just saw you made sticks for my little cousin Joey... He plays in Large Salty.



Awesome! "Family" connection!! His sticks were made by my partner in his old venture, but same idea. Ask him what he thinks of the sticks!



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Yes we can. You have a few options!

1) We can "copy" his stick so that it is almost exactly the same. There will of course be some small differences and you could use a different wood if you so choose.

2) We can make a custom pattern if you want to change some specs. (Smaller diameter, length, different tip... etc). That grip taper isn't a huge change, so may not require any major upcharge for a custom pattern. I'll have to check with my partner.



oh sweet! honestly, there's nothing much i'd change about them. keep me posted. :)

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