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Singing and drumming?


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I've been thinking about it,and while I know you need a drum rug,and some new heads,and some killer double kick pedals,I am going to get you a muck bucket for your birthday!!!! That way you will be able to carry several tunes!!! And the really good thing is that a muck bucket should be big enough to hold all your bandmates vomit!!! That way you can sing to your heart's content without worrying about all that band puke ruining the stage,and getting you banned from the gig!!! I know,I know Bubby,it must just warm your little heart to know that I am ALWAYs there for YOU!!!

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I went to a concert once, 5 bands and the middle band rocked the place more than the headliner (Poe "Angry Johnny"). The middle band's drummer was the front man and the main singer. It was Cowboy Mouth. Next year they started touring with Gin Blossoms and started sounded like them too which is a bummer. My favorite song of Cowboy Mouth was "Here I Sit In Prison" (which was on an album they did before the "Jenny Says" release).

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Good Lord, you two keep an adorable father/ son relationship. :D

MX, here's my two cents. I was a singing drummer for about two years via a headset mic in two different bands, and the consensus is this: a drummer who can sing is worth his weight in gold, but 90% of the public don't want to WATCH a lead singer drummer. But if you can sing harmonies while laying a beat down, you'll be able to find gigs much easier.

Once you get set up, start with "oohs" and "ahhs" for 2 or 4 beats at a time - your priority is to drum well, but when singing is when you do pocket and make sure the tone of your voice is still pleasing.

As you get the changes and notes down, change the "ahhs" to words with syllables and inflection.

Ultimately, the voice is another instrument, and the same way you need to go slow to determine how to make your left and right hand work at the same time, you may need to do it with your voice. There's still attack and note placement, just like anything else.

From there... practice it, man. Drum along with songs you know and sing clearly certain lines, and then identify the harmonies and try those. Experiment, practce, and do it as much as you can.

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Gonzo we can all tell that you put my singing down because you are jealous of the beautiful tone and the way I really draw people in. I understand that going through life sounding like a Basset hound getting screwed by horse when youre on the mic is rough, and while I feel bad I must ask you to refrain from raining on my parade. I know that years of watching people leave shows as fast as if a fire broke out due to your butt screwed tone, is very hard. I know that you have many deep deep sad depressing feelings all bottled up. Im here for you if you need me though. After all what are loving sons for!

Thanks everyone for the advice. At this point if I screwed this up it would almost have to be because im an idiot lol.

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Ok grasshopper.You win.You are the undisputed reigning champ at insulting a father who is ONLY trying ta save you from the certain embarrassment you will suffer if you EVER open that horse-lipped mouth of yours and try to utter a musical tone.Your last post drips of "Cool father envy syndrome",and I guesss growing up in the shadow of such awsomeness has wharped your little head,so YOU WIN!!! You have snatched the pebble from my hand!!! Be proud,but please dont sing to it.It is a family heirloom,and the instant destruction brought on be the off pitch caterwhalling tone of your voice,would crush me!!!

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