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Long practice hours & long breaks


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I am relatively new to the world of drumming and I have been struggling with practicing double bass for the first few months. After almost giving up on playing double bass, and taking a long hiatus from drumming (3 months), I sat down another day on the throne and wailed away on the double pedal as I have been practicing regularly.  I was very surprised as I seemed to have improved so dramatically.  Has this ever happened to you?


Is this normal in the world of drumming.   I also play keys and guitar, but the progress and muscle shaping was a bit slower on those instruments.  


I still struggle with drumming, but whenever my muscle gets tired after all the monotonous exercises, I take a few weeks break and come back and realize my playing has improved.  Do you all experience the same?  Or am i not practicing right? Does muscle aches and fatigue get to you sometimes?  (Just an FYI, I will sometimes practice 10 hours a day on weekends if time permits...)   


I know its better to practice 1 hour a day rather than 10 hours at a time...so do share you practice experiences, and best practices to improve your drumming.



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That seems to be quite common. I've heard many people say the same thing. When I was starting off, that would happen to me a lot. I would have the hardest time working on some new thing, then when I came back to it the next day, it just flowed out like I was doing it forever. My theory is that the subconcious mind pieces it together while you sleep.

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Nice theory.  It does feel like you just improved overnight.   As for me, managing the bass pedals are the most challenging aspect.  After few hours of intense practice my thigh musles start cramping up (and my playing get even sloppier).  After a little stretch and short breaks, i can carry on for few more hours of practicing.   The muscles probably do take a few days or weeks to recover and get in shape.   Amazing machines we are!   :smileyhappy:

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Enigmatic wrote:





I am relatively new to the world of drumming and I have been struggling with practicing double bass for the first few months. After almost giving up on playing double bass, and taking a long hiatus from drumming (3 months), I sat down another day on the throne and wailed away on the double pedal as I have been practicing regularly.  I was very surprised as I seemed to have improved so dramatically.  Has this ever happened to you?




Is this normal in the world of drumming.   I also play keys and guitar, but the progress and muscle shaping was a bit slower on those instruments.  




I still struggle with drumming, but whenever my muscle gets tired after all the monotonous exercises, I take a few weeks break and come back and realize my playing has improved.  Do you all experience the same?  Or am i not practicing right? Does muscle aches and fatigue get to you sometimes?  (Just an FYI, I will sometimes practice 10 hours a day on weekends if time permits...)   




I know its better to practice 1 hour a day rather than 10 hours at a time...so do share you practice experiences, and best practices to improve your drumming.






Yeah, totally. I love it.

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The bad news is we're all droids on this bus; Machinery and the programming. Considering things on that level will help remove a lot of the mystery behind learning and really, drummers don't need any extra mystery.

Physique has to grow. (DUH _o_/) You can't push it or you wear out. We all know this to tears so get your drill books and do 'em sensibly and in moderation in a consistent program. It doesn't go any quicker than doing what actually needs doing. This leaves lots of room for

You guessed it,


The overnight part.

Yup, synapses. Physical brain stuff that needs to propagate or you're a rock. When this programming meets physical preparation, voila: improvement.


The good news is you can still go wear yourself out and have plenty to bitch about here.


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danrothmusic wrote:


Yeah, totally. I love it.


Yup.  I personally think it is the pedals/foot coordination which is the most difficult aspect in drumming.   My hand speed is ok for the rolls/fill i do, but coordinating these fills with the bass pedals are proving to be very challenging.  I am getting there though, even if this is not an overnight process.  It probably will take a few years to get to where i want, but I like how my muscles are noticeably shapping up each month.  It's rewarding indeed  :D  

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