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My best friend is gay!


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Most gay people I've known (male or female) have been very level headed. He obviously knows you're not into any kind of more-than-friends relationship, so he'll probably be leaving your hind quarter alone. To my knowledge, alcohol has the same effect on gay men, so don't get too close to him when you two are drinkin.

It' not like he's been lying to you, sexuality is difficult for everyone, so he'd probably need more support than it appears you're giving him. Friends shouldn't suddenly grow apart because of something like that.

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  • 10 months later...
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then i found out that he is gay. It is just wrong.


:eek: EXCUSE ME?? It is just WRONG, you said. SO WHAT??? Are you gonna walk out in the street and tell all disabled people that being disabled is wrong? Are you gonna go to a gig to see a band that you hate and tell them that what they do is wrong?


Life isn't black and white, you know. There are many truths. You HAVE to stay open minded and treat people the way you want them to treat you. Be grateful for what YOU have and stop demanding so much from others. Imagine yourself being in his situation! A bit tricky, no?


When it comes to friendship, sexuality is not important anyway. You don't pick your friends because of their sexuality, do you? So what's the big deal??


I understand that you want to talk about it. However, I really think you should post these kinds of messages in another message board on a DIFFERENT SITE. Because the main thing that I REALLY like about HC is that it's such a good site for musicians - IT'S SO PROFESSIONAL.


Let's keep it that way. We don't want no Jerry Springer over here!







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Originally posted by facevalue1

I just found out today. We always joke about hugging in public, then i found out that he is gay. It is just wrong. A girl I hang out with told me he was, so I asked him and he tried to hit on me
I think I am going to kill myself. What should I do??


"I was into sex, drugs and rock and roll. And the rock and roll was paying for the sex and drugs. I should be dead."

- Ozzy Osbourne





You are a complete idiot :p

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  • 3 weeks later...
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you guys have nothing better to do?...

look man...sorry that this gay guy happens to be your best friend and that he hit on you...I would not appreciate it either...try to overcome it, if he does not understand then he is not willing to put his emotions aside...try to com to some understanding...he is not perfect but neither are you..you are no better than him but maybe the fact that he is gay could either bring your friendship closer or make you go different ways...and lets face it...{censored} happens!!...just try to be in harmony man!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
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Damn, this part of the forum must have a slow turnover rate.


I looked that this area, thought about this thread, and wondered if it was still here. Yup. It is.



Now.. (Everyone ready?)


I told my best friend a while back. He was a bit suprised, doubtful. He didn't believe me. For a while he tried to suggest maybe I wasn't, but gave up when it was obvious he was wrong. He's just fine with me now, even drinking, since he knows I can control myself (Even though he is hot...) around him. He's comfortable not wearing a shirt around me now, in the summer, though.. for a while he'd put one on even if he was sweating a river.


What he said is that it makes him uncomfortable becasue it makes him picture himself sleeping with other guys and that sort of repulses him.




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  • 4 weeks later...
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if is he is a good friend keep it, but if he where my roomate i'll keep more distance between us, i mean i didint walk in underware around in the room:D , my personal opinions about the people that think they are gay is that they have something wrong, they are trying to make people think that been against the human sexuality nature is something ok, i don't think so... but that doesnt make him a bad or good person at all...

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Originally posted by mandulete

if is he is a good friend keep it, but if he where my roomate i'll keep more distance between us, i mean i didint walk in underware around in the room:D , my personal opinions about the people that think they are gay is that they have something wrong, they are trying to make people think that been against the human sexuality nature is something ok, i don't think so... but that doesnt make him a bad or good person at all...

Not meaning to start a flame war or such, but you aren't actually trying to suggest that homosexuality goes against nature?


Sure, it's counterproductive for producing offspring, but there's enough people as it is. Saying it's against nature is no longer an opinion, but a statement that is sure to bring out strong opinions.


Sexuality is, per se, a human construct. Pretty much every animal just is, there's no gay, straight. They go with their desires. And so do people. Except people have a big fixation on labels and stereotypes, and so here we are on a DJ section of a music forum flogging a buried horse. ;)




Besides, people who think they are gay are unsure. Just as people who say they think they are straight. Then again, how sure are YOU of your sexuality? Can you confidently say you are straight and would never have thoughts about someone of your own gender? So can many gay males. Besides, it's not jsut gay /or/ straight. You can even possibly have some attraction to both in different ways and strenghts.

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ok, the first thing is we are not animals at all, we have a concience, so we can't do everythig we desire to do, if we live that way think where our humanity will be in a couple of years. Second "men", if you think most people are not shure about the sex they born with, you are wrong too. The homosexuality is something the gay people doesnt born with... And i don't find any man sexualy attractive at all, and ill never will, pretty shure of it..:D

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Originally posted by mandulete

ok, the first thing is we are not animals at all, we have a concience, so we can't do everythig we desire to do, if we live that way think where our humanity will be in a couple of years. Second "men", if you think most people are not shure about the sex they born with, you are wrong too. The homosexuality is something the gay people doesnt born with... And i don't find any man sexualy attractive at all, and ill never will, pretty shure of it..


And that's fine. But tell me. If homosexuality is not something that is born, then neither would heterosexuality. At what point did you look at a male, and a female, debate the merits and fine points of liking each gender, and decide that perhaps a female would be a spledid choice? That's right. You didn't. ;)


You just kinda noticed an interesting reaction to girls at a certain age.


Well, some of us didn't get a reaction to girls, per se. ;)


Is it a choice then? Like a switch? I wish it was. So that I could just flip it one way or the other to match the situation. But I can't.

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I decided to turn my 2 cents into about a buck fifty. THC usually does that to me. :D


If your best friend is gay (even if you don't know): congradulations and welcome to what garth would have called "the now". There have been documented homosexual relationships tracing back beyond the Roman empire. It's not a new concept, your parents just kept YOU in the closet your whole life. Just be {censored}ing thankful your friend isn't into necrophelia or bestiality or something REALLY wrong. If you don't like the idea, just don't participate. Chances are they keep you as a friend simply because they AREN'T attracted to you. If you don't want to have a relationship with someone, what do you care about who they choose to have a relationship with? Maybe I'm spoiled because I live in a cultural melting pot but I feel like a lot of you cats are EXTREMELY sheltered. If you think there's some way of outlawing it, like minded people also led by ignorance lost that battle a LONG time ago. It's a part of your world. Either acknowledge it or ignore it, but do yourselves a favor and stop making such bigoted pricks of yourselves. Didn't your mother ever tell you "If you can't say something nice..."



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Originally posted by mandulete

simple, your male sexual organ is design to get women pregnet and have sexual relations with womens, not to intruduce it in to another guy ass, UFFFF "thats insane"


So, what about anal sex with another female? Or oral sex? As you can see this could go on all day.


Anyway, best policy is to keep your mind out of other's bedrooms.

That way, anything you do find out is pretty much your own fault if it does offend you.


And I can tell it's offensive to you. So why not just leave it at that? I can't possibly argue that it doesn't offend you. However, making claims of it being this or that, then I can. Sometimes it's just better to just call an opinion an opinion. ;) I hope most people here are able to accept honesty even when it's something they don't agree with.


BTW: This isn't an attack, either. You've managed to remain quite civil about something most people flip out about.

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