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Singers/Vocalists in Bands (PA content)


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The bass player owned all the gear and we just used it. No extra pay for him.

16 channel board

power amp

effects rack

SP-1 Speakers

We had a variety of mics - mainly SM58's that he and I owned.

It's better when one person owns the PA cause then it's all or nothing.

If you all contribute to the cost, it's a bitch to split the gear fairly when you break up.

If you each own individual pieces, then you could take whatever you own when you leave.

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In every band I've played in, the individual players have been responsible for their own mics, chords, and micstands, while one person owns the PA. I bought a 6 channel powered head about 8 years ago and it's the best investment in music I've ever made. In 2 trios I was involved in, I was the only PA owner. In two other groups, we've used my head when the bandleader's powered mixer went out. And, I've used my PA alot for solo shows/hosting open mics.

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I own my (small) PA and use it for my acoustic gigs. Bands I joined in the past either used mine, rentals, or whatever they previuoly owned.


I agree that it becomes very confusing to determine ownership of shared gear but as a band grows it becomes a true fact of life. The best (give me a break here) guitar amp will run you a couple of thousand. A crappy PA will cost around the same, that burden should not be responsability of one band member after all, all instruments can grow through the PA.


Best situation I found was that I owned the PA and I got paid an extra share of the gig for it's usage. I was also responsible for maintaining it, setting it up, and overall sound. Worked for me.



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No way should you be responsible for buying a 'Band' PA.


You probably could take it on yourself to have a Vocal Processor and personal mic , and chip in if ONE well off Person in the band doesn't offer to control and pay for the investment of the overall PA.


Wouldn't hurt to help out with load in and load out, either way.


Tah is right: It's nice to cover your own sound, but when you're taking about a pa that monitors a 4+ piece, mics a drum kit , guits, bass, keyboard etc, + back up vocals, you're looking at one hell of an expense and responsibility.




Full range

32 channel board





Road cases

Amp racks



Share , don't take it on yourself to cover the entire rig unless you have lots of money to burn.



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