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Pianoman turned singer seeks critique


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I haven't been singing for long but have been active in the Keyboard forum for years.


I recent weeks I have turned my attention to singing for the first time. Tonight I finally figured out how to record my vocals and piano playing at the same time.


The songs are here:



"Angels" and "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me".


They were recorded in a single take and I can hear myself that they are far from perfect. You kind people will be the first to hear my singing and I am looking forward to any comments, encouragement or criticism.


Thanks sincerely for your time.

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I like this a lot. Your vocals aren't perfect but to my ears you have a nice tone and I found your voice enjoyable even without any reverb.


You had a little bit of trouble with certain pitches--particularly with the Elton John tune--but nothing serious. I think that if you work on the melodies a bit you'll be good to go! Singing is just like playing the piano--you need to practice melodies, phrasing, etc.


Welcome to the singing forum! :wave:

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Hah, this is funny, because I'm coming from the opposite situation, being primarily a vocalist and trying to learn to play the piano.


I liked how your voice sounded on "Don't Let The Sun" - Definetly a great start, and if you're unsatisfied, only time spent singing on the edge of your comfort zone will expand it. Every accomplished singer probably spent at least an hour or two a day every day humming constantly or singing a song. The more you do it, the better you become.

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Hah, this is funny, because I'm coming from the opposite situation, being primarily a vocalist and trying to learn to play the piano.

I liked how your voice sounded on "Don't Let The Sun" - Definetly a great start, and if you're unsatisfied, only time spent singing on the edge of your comfort zone will expand it. Every accomplished singer probably spent at least an hour or two a day every day humming constantly or singing a song. The more you do it, the better you become.



Hey man, playing the piano is very easy!

So easy a caveman could do it!


Just let me know when you get a keyboard and I'll teach you in less than a day.

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Look, here's a thing I did last night and I THOUGHT it was ok at the time but now I think it SUCKS and is amazingly boring, oafish and clumsy and just terrible...


www.soundclick.com/auntacid (it's called Collecting the Clowns)


I can deal with the chords and stuff, but HOW do I get any sort of technique going!? (left hand, right hand, rhythm, some sort of light & shade...etc) I know my keyboard doesn't have the velocity sensors that real pianos and the more expensive electric pianos have, but...meh.

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Oh, and konaboy, I'd say your voice is a somewhat rough diamond. It's got a really nice, almost Eric Clapton-esque tone to me...


I kept expecting Elton's voice on Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me, but then switched over to appreciating your own quieter, subtle way of singing this song...I really liked it.


Your voice isn't the strongest/most projected/confident I've ever heard...but you probably know that, and it's ok. Right now, to me, I'd love to hear you singing soft, poignant songs (Tears in Heaven for instance)...

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Look, here's a thing I did last night and I THOUGHT it was ok at the time but now I think it SUCKS and is amazingly boring, oafish and clumsy and just terrible...



Funny, I thought the same when I re-listened to my tracks this morning. They sounded a lot better during the heat of the moment if you know what I mean.


Would love to teach you. In fact, it would be great to find a singer who wants to learn piano, we could teach each other.


I listened to your track and think you are off to a good start. Nice chords and good timing. It will be impossible to convey any expression or emotion with that keyboard though, you need a touch sensitivity.


Thanks for all the comments which I interpret as positive! I must try to belt out the songs a bit more. THe only trouble is that the only time I have to practise and record is late at night when the rest of my family are sleeping in the next room. So I have to keep it down.

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It will be impossible to convey any expression or emotion with that keyboard though, you need a touch sensitivity.


Aw dammit!


I use Ableton Live to record, and it does have velocity markers and stuff, but it's so technical and fiddly (at least as far as I understand it anyway, which isn't much!)...I don't know...I don't want to record a song and then have to go back and adjust every single note to make it louder or softer!


Thanks for your comments on my song. :)

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First of all, let me say that I really like your tone, it's a bit dry and almost sore, but still warm. Very unique and interesting!


I think this is not half bad, you have a lot of potential. You need to work on your breathing so that you wouldn't struggle to reach those higher notes ("and through it aaaall...") and also to improve your pitch - you do have some pitch issues, but it's all due to lack of control. Just work on your breathing and listen to yourself actively (that may be easier if you just sing instead of playing along) and you'll be fine.


Looking forward to hearing more from you, it'll be a joy to watch you progress :)

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Jersey - thanks for your encouraging words and welcoming me. I like the vibe here, more music & technique than the other gear focused forums.


ido - right, can't believe I didn't make an effort to sing earlier. instead of wasting a year on learning bass!


count - good luck with your piano playing, feel free to post me if you have any questions or dive over to Keys forum


Mamma - thanks for the comments. I'm pleased you like the tone, my main concern was that I had a boring tone with nothing to offer. I do have a cold which may add some unnatural character... :)


Any concrete suggestions on how to develope a better breathing technique? I prefer musical exercises, I don't have the willpower to do boring inhalation exercises or lie on the floor with books on my chest or anything ;) Something I can do whilst actually singing would be great!

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Ok ,,Listened to a track. what I heard was a guy who has the piano part down, but still dealing with a vocals in progress situation. Nice voce with pitch issues. I think the cure is to stop holding back on the vocals and bring it up from the gut. Its more of a vocal mechanics issue than anything. You really need to believe in your vocals as much as you believe in your playing. Keep working up material and keep recording yourself. One day you will play one back ,, and say to yourself , holy crap. I didnt know that I had this voice inside of me. When that happens you will have the best gig in town ,, solo piano man.

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Ok ,,Listened to a track. what I heard was a guy who has the piano part down, but still dealing with a vocals in progress situation. Nice voce with pitch issues. I think the cure is to
stop holding back
on the vocals and bring it up from the gut. Its more of a vocal mechanics issue than anything. You really need to believe in your vocals as much as you believe in your playing. Keep working up material and keep recording yourself. One day you will play one back ,, and say to yourself , holy crap. I didnt know that I had this voice inside of me. When that happens you will have the best gig in town ,, solo piano man.



He is singing from his throat and not his diaphram. That will change everything once he can do that.

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rhat, gearo - very true. Now you mention it the sound is coming from my throat. I don't know where my diaphram is let alone how to use it. I'll experiment and maybe one day it will click. I'll post another song in a month or so and we'll see if you can hear any improvement.

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