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South Natomas Home Covered With Sheet Metal

Residents Claim Neighbors Bombarding Them With Radiation


POSTED: 8:42 am PDT May 20, 2005

UPDATED: 2:00 pm PDT May 20, 2005


SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A home in Sacramento's south Natomas neighborhood is surrounded by sheet metal, and neighbors are calling it an eyesore.



The D'Souza family lives in the home on Timberwood Court, and claims the aluminium pieces are necessary to protect them from unknown neighbors who have been bombarding them with radio waves and making them sick.


"(It's) a shield to protect against radiation, because microwave radiation is reflected off of aluminium, so it's a protective measure," resident Sarah D'Souza said.


The D'Souzas said the bombardment began after the first anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and that the radio waves have caused them health problems ranging from headaches to lupus.


Sacramento Code Enforcement officials have gotten involved and ordered the family to remove the metal by Monday or face a misdemeanor citation.


"Eleven years in Sacramento and few other years in Southern California and this is the first time I've ever seen (anything like this). The inside of the house is also covered with foil and the beds are covered with a foil-like material as well," Sacramento Code Enforcement spokesman Josh Pino said.


The D'Souzas said they will comply with the order and remove the sheet metal, but they also plan to gather evidence to show city officials what they believe is a problem with radiation.

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Originally posted by L-1329

The part that makes me say WTF is that they were going to be charged with a misdemeanor CRIME for doing whatever they want with their house? We do live in a socialist world...

That has nothing to do with socialism really. They're getting complaints from the neighbors because they feel it's an eyesore. I think that's dumb as hell, it's their house. The citation is because the sheet metal apparently violates some building safety code. Again, I'm not a fan of enforced safety. Sure it's strange what they're doing, but I think they ought to be left alone.

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Originally posted by takeout

If it drove your property values down, you'd disagree.




If you buy in a neighborhood, you take your chances.


I'd be more pissed in a hurricane came through and put one of those pieces of metal through my house. But then, I live in a brick house, so they could huff and puff all they want.




I think it would be fun to have something like that in my neighborhood. I could tell people to turn left at the crazy guy's house. "Oh, you'll know it when you see it."



Bottom line, if you live in a city, you do not own your property, you merely rent it, invest in it and hope for a good return.

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Originally posted by burdizzos

...Bottom line, if you live in a city, you do not own your property, you merely rent it, invest in it and hope for a good return.

I don't disagree... I'm just saying, if you're in Month Six of trying to sell your house, but no one's making any offers because of the Heaven's Gaters down the street, you might be pissed about your investments return prospects.

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Originally posted by takeout

I don't disagree... I'm just saying, if you're in Month Six of trying to sell your house, but no one's making any offers because of the Heaven's Gaters down the street, you might be pissed about your investments return prospects.



I might be pissed at them, but the last thing that I would want is for gov't to step in and fix the problem.


If the Heavens Gaters up the block are required by law to tone it down, then I won't get to do weird {censored} for Halloween and Koreshmas.


If you want a guaranteed return on your investment, move into a planned community with all sorts of ridiculous rules. If you want to enjoy your property and have a bit of freedom with it, buy elsewhere. I'd rather have a bunch of Hari Krishnas doing all sorts of strange things next door than to have someone telling me that my flower bed is too close to my driveway which is too wide for my granted easement.

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Originally posted by burdizzos

I might be pissed at them, but the last thing that I would want is for gov't to step in and fix the problem.

If the Heavens Gaters up the block are required by law to tone it down, then I won't get to do weird {censored} for Halloween and Koreshmas.

If you want a guaranteed return on your investment, move into a planned community with all sorts of ridiculous rules. If you want to enjoy your property and have a bit of freedom with it, buy elsewhere. I'd rather have a bunch of Hari Krishnas doing all sorts of strange things next door than to have someone telling me that my flower bed is too close to my driveway which is too wide for my granted easement.

+1 I could never live in a place where the neighbors determined how my property had to look.

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Originally posted by takeout

I don't disagree... I'm just saying, if you're in Month Six of trying to sell your house, but no one's making any offers because of the Heaven's Gaters down the street, you might be pissed about your investments return prospects.



+1. I used to think it's the dumbest thing that you can't paint your house whatever color you want & such, but if my neighbor's ugly house ruins the sale of my house, and endangers my family's financially stability, that's a different story.



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Originally posted by mikeyen

+1. I used to think it's the dumbest thing that you can't paint your house whatever color you want & such, but if my neighbor's ugly house ruins the sale of my house, and endangers my family's financially stability, that's a different story.




Then move to a nice plastic planned community, don't ask gov't to take care of your woes.


A home is an investment like any other. There is a certain amount of risk involved. If you're not up to that risk, rent.


I love the fact that there's a guy up the street from me who painted his shutters bright yellow to go with his ridiculously bright blue door. Then there's also the Virginia Tech fan who painted his entire house in school colors.


Unless there's an environemntal contamination risk or a vermin infestation, gov't has no business telling a home owner what to do with his property.

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Originally posted by burdizzos

Then move to a nice plastic planned community, don't ask gov't to take care of your woes.



So you're telling everyone in the community whose property is devalued to move, because of the paranoid action of a single family. Nice.



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Originally posted by burdizzos

Then move to a nice plastic planned community, don't ask gov't to take care of your woes.

A home is an investment like any other. There is a certain amount of risk involved. If you're not up to that risk, rent.

I love the fact that there's a guy up the street from me who painted his shutters bright yellow to go with his ridiculously bright blue door. Then there's also the Virginia Tech fan who painted his entire house in school colors.

Unless there's an environemntal contamination risk or a vermin infestation, gov't has no business telling a home owner what to do with his property.



Amen to that! In this country you OWN your property, not your neighbors, the government, or anyone else. The whole 'eyesore' arguement is BS as well. What someone does with their place is their business alone. If that affects how you value yours then too bad. You have the same right to make yours look as good or bad as they do. If neighbors have a problem with someone's house it is no business of the government at all. People have to grow a thicker skin these days, and accept some risks for once. Sometimes you lose, but cases like this are no damn business of the government.

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Originally posted by burdizzos

If you want a guaranteed return on your investment, move into a planned community with all sorts of ridiculous rules. If you want to enjoy your property and have a bit of freedom with it, buy elsewhere. I'd rather have a bunch of Hari Krishnas doing all sorts of strange things next door than to have someone telling me that my flower bed is too close to my driveway which is too wide for my granted easement.


Covenants have become a bit out of hand, IMO. We're strapped for energy and most of these covenants prohibit drying clothes on a clothes line.

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Originally posted by mikeyen

So you're telling everyone in the community whose property is devalued to move, because of the paranoid action of a single family. Nice.




Actually, my advice would be to hold on to the property until the freaks are killed by the radiation, that way property values would come back up to normal for that area.


You're suggesting that gov't should violate the rights of a single family too satisfy the collective. Nice.

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Originally posted by mikeyen

So you're telling everyone in the community whose property is devalued to move, because of the paranoid action of a single family. Nice.



I'd think that the more realistic advice would be to move into a community that has an agreement and rules about how things should look. This is at the stage where you are looking for a house to buy. It's one of the things you should take into consideration. I value freedom to do what I want on my property more than I value resale value. Not everyone does. Personally, I'm going to save up for a sailboat to live on. :)

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