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I just found out that my former drummer died


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My Condolences.


Same thing happen to me a few years ago. I knew the guy for years growing up in scouts. We played in the HS jazz and marching bands together as well as sometimes in a 5 piece rock band. He was a bright guy, but got into trouble with drugs and committed suicide. Of course it was glorified by the news .


Really sorry to hear about your loss.

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Best keyboard player I ever met. Good singer, played bass and piano in the college jazz band, played trumpet in the concert band. We had a killer three-piece group - drums, bass, keys - all three singers, all three harmony-singers, too. He would sing, play keys, and then play keys left-handed and pick up a trumpet right handed. Unbelievable talent.


He bought a new car and told me that he could reach 80 mph while in third gear, before shifting to 4th or 5th. I kinda fussed at him for driving too fast (old fogey, I know).


That next weekend, he lost control, hit a tree and went through the windshield. I wished that I had fussed at him harder or longer, but I doubt that I would have made any difference.


It is tough losing a great friend and a great musician, but it is even harder knowing that the tradegy was preventable.

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Thank you everyone. I can't say we we're close; but we were 6 years ago. We lost touch and just recently talked for the first time in years.


I cant explain why, even though I rarely thought of the guy prior to catching up earlier this year, I feel very saddened by this.


I'll add a drum roll to my routine in memory.

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I just got this from his dad- Thought I'd share. What saddens me most is that he was working on an upswing.


I am Justin Herriage's father, Kim Herriage. Today is the one year anniversary of his passing & I googled his name.

Justin died of a methadone overdose as he was attempting to overcome a pain pill addiction. He was only in his second week of outpatient treatment and he went to sleep Wed morning, Jan 12th, 2005, to take a nap after treatment before going in to work at Campisi's at noon. Methadone acts in strange ways and doctors never really know if they are about to kill their patient. Justin simply never woke up. In his autopsy report he had nothing in his system except what the coroner describe as a the toxic effects of methadone(note they don't even call it an overdose since the medical community doesn't know what a lethal dose is). Expect to see an article on Justin's death and other methadone deaths in a spring/summer edition of D Magazine. Thanks for caring on your blog. Be safe & happy / Kim Herriage

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