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Guitar Amp for Thunderbroom


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Originally posted by phatster

Brake...you outbid me on that amp you &^^$@##^(**.........I'm a Traynor man as well!

nope :D got this from a guitar player i used to play with, and he got it from an old firehall around here that i'm sure bought it new.

most of the firehalls/schools/church halls/older places like that around here use traynor PA gear from back in the day. i know for a fact all of the schools had at one time all traynor PA stuff... it's in storage -somewhere- around here. if i ever find it...wow, the motherload :D

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

As I mentioned over the weekend (and just posted a pic thread of), I played guitar with my rock band (the one I'm trying to ease out of).

Anyway...I had fun playing guitar on a few songs, but my amp (Boss MG-10) was woefully inadequate. I'm not planning to switch to guitar, but the other guitarist in my band suggested that I should play more guitar with the band. I've wanted a nice amp for my rehearsal space anyway, so maybe I can kill two birds with one stone.

I want a tube amp that's under $500 (as far below as possible) that I can practice, rehearse, and gig with (should the opportunity present itself again).

this is funny.

i have never played a guitar in all the years that i have been playing bass. i got bored and havent played for a while so

last week i bought myself an Epiphone les paul.
i got me a fender princeton that is loud like a motherf%$@er


its a great SS amp but i am partial to the English sound

you should look at marshall SS amps or what i think i am going to go for laney
either the tfx2 or mxd 65

guitar amps are way louder than bass amps so you dont need the wattage we normally need

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stuff i've got/have had here in the past few months:

yga-1a signature head
ysc-4 4x12 PA cab
two ygm-2 guitarmates
yvm-1 voicemaster
yba-1a bassmaster
610 bass cab
4x12 guitar cab

i saw a band last week that had the big B 8x10 bass cab....{censored}in' thunderous!

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Originally posted by catphish

hey TB, I'll be buying this off our guitar player for my recording work:

Ampeg Blue Lead

I think it sounds better than the amp he's replacing it with. If you want to stop by sometime and give it a test drive, you're always welcome.


I do like the look of those. It seems that they're $500 new though. I'm really hoping to keep it at $400 or less, but I only want to make the purchase once. I owned a MesaBoogie Subway Rocket years ago. I didn't like it...too high-gain type sound for me.

BTW, what's he replacing it with?

Edit: I found one on eBay that's in good (not great) condition that may go for ~250 shipped.

Partially Missing "Ampeg" Logo

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I've owned a crap-load of Peavey Classics. I'd sell 'em to try something else out ... have to buy a new one. Sell all my stuff to go back to the monastary (I was a Buddhist monk) ... have to buy a new one when I came out. I'd trade 'em for a set of Ping Zing IIs ... have to buy a new one when I'd broken all my shafts out of frustration. :(

I finally gave up and just bought two and will keep them till I die.

Unless, of course, someone wants to trade me a nice Peavey Bass rig for a new Classic 30 three months old. :D

I never could warm up to the Fender Hot Rod OD channel. Every single one I ever tried was a cold, harsh sumbitch. Prolly a speaker and tube change might help? I dunno.

Of course ... without a speaker and tube change, the Classic 30 can be a cold, harsh sumbitch, too. :D

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Why dont you just plug your guitar into processor of choice, and that into your bass amp? If your bass cab uses 10's by themself, or a 15 with qaulity tweeter (none of that piezo tweeter garbage), it should give you very very good processed guitar sound.

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Originally posted by Darkstorm

Why dont you just plug your guitar into processor of choice, and that into your bass amp? If your bass cab uses 10's by themself, or a 15 with qaulity tweeter (none of that piezo tweeter garbage), it should give you very very good processed guitar sound.



I guess because I want a stand-alone guitar amp, and realize that for me personally, I'd rather have a tube amp with a few great sounds than a modelling amp/processor with dozens of mediocre sounds.

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

I guess because I want a stand-alone guitar amp, and realize that for me personally, I'd rather have a tube amp with a few great sounds than a modelling amp/processor with dozens of mediocre sounds.



You are wise beyond your years, grasshopper. Your instincts are correct.


If it were me, I'd get that used Ampeg if it's working OK.

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Originally posted by bnyswonger

You are wise beyond your years, grasshopper. Your instincts are correct.

If it were me, I'd get that used Ampeg if it's working OK.



That's the thing Bob. It's on eBay (one of the Guitar Center auctions). I can't try it out.


What makes the Ampet Jet a better amp than the Classic 30 or the Pro Junior or a Blue Junior or even the ValveKing? I realize it costs more new, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. From what I understand, it's a good idea to have a standby switch on a tube amp. The only one that does that out of the ones I've listed is the ValveKing. The old Mesa I had had a standby switch (it was just way too gainy for me).

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Originally posted by Thunderbroom

What makes the Ampet Jet a better amp than the Classic 30 or the Pro Junior or a Blue Junior or even the ValveKing?

I've never tried the classic 30 or the Pro junior, but have played through a Fender Blues Junior, Fender Twin, Fender Vibro King, Mesa Subway Rocket, and many others. The Ampeg, to my ears, is just has a fuller warmer tone, but that's just my opinion. Mike, our guitarist used it for a bout 6 month but now has some other old 70's fender. The keys player and I still prefer the Ampeg, which is part of the reason I'm buying it and not letting him sell it on Ebay, so that when he changes his mind it will still be around. :)

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Originally posted by bnyswonger

If it were me, I'd get that used Ampeg if it's working OK.



One thing to be aware of with those old ampegs is some of them use odd, very hard to find and expensive tubes - 7591 or something like that. so if you want/need to replace the tubes, you could be looking at an expensive job.


the new/reissue ones have 12AX7 in the preamp and EL84's for power amp tubes.

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Originally posted by y-o-y

One thing to be aware of with those old ampegs is some of them use odd, very hard to find and expensive tubes - 7591 or something like that. so if you want/need to replace the tubes, you could be looking at an expensive job.

the new/reissue ones have 12AX7 in the preamp and EL84's for power amp tubes.



This isn't a vintage amp. It's a re-issue. I can't say though what tubes it uses. The one I'm getting was made in the late 90's

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