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I was bored, it was cheap......Rogue 6 string


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So I picked up a Rogue LX406. The body and neck are identical to the Brice HCX (or whatever) 406, but different hardware. For $200 shipped, I took a chance.


Here is a list of things that I had to do to make my rogue playable:


Replace the nut. The brass nut has a drunken spacing, with all the little strings bunched up on one side.


Replace the strings (of course)


Shim the neck. The bridge ran out of adjustment room before I got the action that I wanted, so I used 1/16" ebony on the floor of the neck pocket to raise the neck without changing the angle.


Fix the bridge. The bridge intonation screws were preventing the saddles from seating where they are supposed to. This made horrible horrible sounds, like a cross between a sitar and a dying llama. Enlarging the holes or the intonation screws fixed it.


The pickups are buzzy, It will get new ones eventually.


The things that I did not have to fix are the fretwork, whick is very good, the truss rods were set correctly, the eq is good. I like the neck and finish, and it sounds good.


For $200 and a few hours work, this is a pretty decent starter sixer.

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So you put esentially a 1/16" ebony plate in neck pocket to raise neck? Kewl. Better aproach the reg shim. Good fretwork huh? That surprising but good to hear.



Doesnt make for a good starter bass though imo. Starter basses should need no fixing cept for maybe pup replacment. Since begginers largely cant be expected to do the fixes you a more seasoned player could do to make playable. Starter basses should be good to go out of the box except for minor adjust action to preferance & maybe later a pup replacement. Imo anyway cause thinks begginers should get an easy to play well made bass. Thats trully playable and acceptable sounding off the shelf. Not a fixer upper. Unless part of the begginer experience is learning bass repair. Lol.


The thing doesnt look bad at all. A plus.

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I've been surprised by some really cheap instruments. By and large you don't find quality at bargain basement prices, but every once and awhile you score big. For instance, I bought one of those $69 Kramer strat copies from musicyo.com a few years ago. The thing has incredible fretwork. All the ends are filed and rounded off smoothly, everything's crowned and even... I could hardly believe it. It's especialy disconcerting when I go to Guitar Center and play a $2200 Gibson with fretwork that can't hold a candle to my seventy dollar cheapie.

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