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Got my taxes which amp should I buy?


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I have about $600 to spend on a head. I have an Avatar 1-15 and a 2-10. My band plays mostly Coldplay/U2 style rock. We play a lot of smaller clubs but also playing some bigger outdoor stuff. I've pretty much narowed it down to the Ashdown MAG300 or MAG600. My band can get pretty laud so I'm thinking I'll need the headroom of the 600. What are you thoughts. I'm off to work now but I will check back this afternoon. Thanks.

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The first rule of buying amps (instrument or PA) is; Buy the most power you can afford.


The second rule of buying amps is; Buy the most power you can afford.


The third rule of buying amps is; Everybody fights their first night....oooops ummmm.... we aren't supposed to talk about that.

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Get one of the Ashdown's or maybe even an SVT-III Pro. I haven't used combo amps in a few years, so I'm kinda outta the market, but yeah... If you don't need to get too loud, a 3-Pro might outta do the trick, with some cash left over.

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