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Ampeg SVT-350H -- thoughts?


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I owned an SVY-350H for a while and didn't think it was loud at all. The tone was ok, but definetly could have been a lot better, especially for ampeg. Those two together for $300 is a good deal though, and would be suitable for small gigs. If you only have 300 to spend I would do it, you could certainly do a lot worse for that much money.

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Most of the shows I'll be playing will have the ability run a direct out or mic the amp and will be small venues. Its for an Alice in Chains tribute band that I'm playing bass in. As mentioned, I'll have 4x10 and a 2x15 to go with it. And $300 is about all I can go right now. If things take off, I will upgrade for sure.


I've also considered using my Marshall DSL with a bass cab one side fo the stage. Tell me had bad of an idea that is.

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Originally posted by curseoftruth

Most of the shows I'll be playing will have the ability run a direct out or mic the amp and will be small venues. Its for an Alice in Chains tribute band that I'm playing bass in. As mentioned, I'll have 4x10 and a 2x15 to go with it. And $300 is about all I can go right now. If things take off, I will upgrade for sure.

I've also considered using my Marshall DSL with a bass cab one side fo the stage. Tell me had bad of an idea that is.


If you like overdrive, it's an excellent idea! Running basses into guitar amps through bass speakers is loads of fun. :thu: I do it all the time.

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Originally posted by funkrockfreedomfighter

I owned an SVY-350H for a while and didn't think it was loud at all. The tone was ok, but definetly could have been a lot better, especially for ampeg. Those two together for $300 is a good deal though, and would be suitable for small gigs. If you only have 300 to spend I would do it, you could certainly do a lot worse for that much money.


This seems to be an Ampeg thing from my experience. Good sound, but just doesn't cut the mustard in volume. I had a 1x15 ampeg combo, and it sounded awsome, but almost completely useless when I jammed with a drummer.



Of course, this is NOT talking about the good old classic, all-tube SVT. Now THAT thing is an AMP! :D:cool:

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Well, I'm going to try it out tonight, I'll post pix if I pick it up.


I had always heard that running bass through a guitar amp was a bad idea and could damage the amp -- but recently it seems that I've heard that its just the guitar speakers that will fry out, not the amp itself. So using a guitar with a bass cab is not an issue -- and I do like distortion on my bass.

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I had an SVT350H and now use the B2R series. Same amp.....just rackmountable. If you have efficient cabs these amps are plenty loud. At least they have been for me. If you can't hear yourself on stage with 350 watts you have better look at your cabs or tell the rest of the tribe to turn down because you are playing too loud anyway. I use one small and efficient 4 ohm cab and have no problems. And we have a habit of playing too loud also. Keep in mind you need 4 ohms to get the 350 watts. This has been my experience with these. They are great amps IMO.

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i had one, and didn't really like it. i ran it with a ampeg 610HLF (pretty decent cab) and it couldn't really keep up with a full rock band (two half stacks). when pushed, the sound was not very nice, "bad" clipping.


now i use a matamp GTO, around 160-200 tube watts, and it is much louder that the 350H with the same cab, and breaks up very nicely, just where it should in a full band setting.

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