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Steely Dan demands apology

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At first I thought it was a joke, given the kind of language that was used and the reasoning behind it. But towards the end there's talk of possible legal action. wtf?


Steely Dan demands apology from Owen Wilson over Dupree title



Tue Jul 25, 07:22 PM EST




LOS ANGELES (AP) - Paging Owen Wilson. Steely Dan wants an apology.


The veteran group behind such jazz-rock hits as Rikki Don't Lose that Number says Wilson ripped off its Grammy-winning tune Cousin Dupree for his title role as a slacker in the new comedy You, Me and Dupree.


In a 10-paragraph letter posted July 17 on Steely Dan's website, and addressed to Wilson's brother Luke, band leaders Walter Becker and Donald Fagen asked Owen Wilson to appear at a show in Irvine, Calif., to apologize to the band's fans.


Wilson, in return, would get Steely Dan merchandise and a chance to party with the group.


"He would have to cop to the fact that what he and his Hollywood gangster pals did was wrong and that he wishes he had never agreed to get involved with this turkey in the first place," says the pair.


You, Me and Dupree co-stars Kate Hudson and Matt Dillon as a newlywed couple annoyed by Wilson's Dupree, a party-crazy friend who moves in with them.


Becker and Fagen claim that "some hack writer or producer" heard Steely Dan's Cousin Dupree, about a hormonal houseguest, and "when it came time to change the character's name or whatever so people wouldn't know what a rip the whole thing was, they didn't even bother to think up a new . . . name for the guy!"


They go on to trash Wilson and the movie, calling it a "summer stinkbomb".


"Instant karma is a fact, Jack," the pair writes.


If karma doesn't get the actor, they say, then an apparent tough guy they know might.


"One time we saw this guy, with his bare hands, do something so unspeakable, that - but, hey man, let's not even let it get that way, you know?" say Becker and Fagen.


Larry Solters, a spokesman for the band's management company, declined to comment on any details beyond the letter, including whether Wilson showed up to the July 19 concert or if legal action would be taken.


In 2001, Cousin Dupree, from the album Two Against Nature, landed a Grammy for best pop performance by a duo or group. The CD also snagged album of the year.


The group, known for a string of hits in the 1970s, has been on tour since July 7 with Michael McDonald.


Owen Wilson's publicist Ina Treciokas and Luke Wilson's publicist Mara Buxbaum both declined to comment.

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Originally posted by Rusty the Scoob

They won a grammy for that tune?

No...it was for the entire "album" (CD). But I do like that tune, and I always interpreted it as though the guy was actually a cousin, hence the sexual tension. "Baby how you've grown...."

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Originally posted by chris-dax

smells like a publicity stunt to me....

I love the song....best one on the album...c-d


****"One time we saw this guy, with his bare hands, do something so unspeakable, that - but, hey man, let's not even let it get that way, you know?" say Becker and Fagen. ****


ya think?




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Originally posted by Rusty the Scoob

They won a grammy for that tune? Man, it is just nowhere near as good as their 70's stuff IMHO. I guess that's why I have zero respect for the Grammys.



What? I remember when Lug received his grammy and . . . oh, wait! I guess I proved your point.



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Originally posted by bonscottvocals

Yeah, Steely Dan invented the name "Dupree", they are the only people who know anyone named Dupree, and he is the only Dupree who has ever had mental problems. Those bastards in Hollywood will PAY, PAY, I tell you!!!!




Maybe they're getting low on funds and hope a quick, easy lawsuit will bring in some cash. :p

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This looks more than a little toungue-in-cheek to me. Fagen and Becker are not in desperate need of the income that a lawsuit would bring in. Plus, this particular case is hard to prove in terms of intellectual property or publisher's rights, unlike that "Dani California" thing.


Still, the fact remains that Fagen and Becker didn't allow Chuck Rainey to use SD tunes in his instructional materials.

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Originally posted by __tony__renaud

This looks more than a little toungue-in-cheek to me.


I'm inclined to agree, as the proposed punishment was that he come to one of their shows, apologize to the fans and then party with the band. Not exactly the death penalty now, is it?





Hell, if it makes them happy, I'd be more than willing to fill in for Owen Wilson. ;):D

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Originally posted by willsellout

i Heard their name trnslated means steel dildo?




"Translated"? From English to...uh, english? :p



The name refers to a steam powered dildo from the William S. Burroughs novel 'Naked Lunch'...



As for the letter, it's pretty clearly a piss take...It's addressed to Luke Wilson (who isn't in the movie), and at one point threatens physical violence...

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Originally posted by ryanstanley

stupid thing to get mad about

i mean come on.. even if they did rip it off- who cares?? its not like it hurt anything at all, all it could do is maybe remind viewers of the song, and increase sales on the album.

definite publicity stunt.





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