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giving up the dream


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Originally posted by ryanstanley

well in my case, this is a lot less about fame, and a lot more about making a difference

my goal as a musician is basically to make popular rock on the radio respectable again. whether fame, money or comfort comes with it or not, doesnt really matter to me

really, one thing i could do would be to have four kids, teach them all instruments, and instill in them everything they need to change the music world forever, and then be their manager or something... kinda like the beach boys i guess (haha, not really)...

but yeah thats all i want to do. contribute to the music community in some kind of significant way

but yeah i see your points, and yeah obviously im still being realistic about it, right now im working in engineering and trying to further my career, and i still plan on getting a degree

but at the same time, im working on my music career (a little bit harder, to be honest). im doing something about it all---as a vocalist, im not so great at lyrics, so ive taken up reading and im taking a poetry class. as a bassist, i dont know much theory, so im now taking a guitar 2 course. im not used to playing with my fingers, so im pretty much trying to do that all the time till i get used to it and can do both. i see no reason I can't continue to see my shortcomings and do something about them, and eventually be the musician i dream of being. and then, I'll put out an album with my band, and I'll tour, promote, blah blah blah... everything I need to do, and hopefully, I'll accomplish my goal and make a difference.

and if not, I'll be drafting workprints. but at least ive sincerely done my best

I don't what area you live in, but around Cleveland the college stations have live or recorded sessions with local players once in a while. You can start there. I'm trying out for an originals band in a few hours. Actually I'm trying them out :D but that's beside the point. It takes hard work but you have to know how to promote yourself, too.

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Originally posted by Markee

You never going to make music on the radio respectable again until you buy a station away from one of the three big conglomerates that play formula music. You want great music with unending selection try tuning into
It's an independently run and owned radio station....actually Paul Allen owns it and they have means to listen to either their live show or archieves.

the way i figure it, if i make music thats good enough, and my music gets popular enough, i might show the general public that its still possible to make good, genuine rock and roll and still be original, while still achieving mainstream success, then maybe i'll inspire others to do the same. and if i play my cards right, maybe it could become the "thing to do" and the radio stations will be forced to jump on the train!

of course im not capable of this right now, but thats why im learning. im gonna try my damndest to do exactly this

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