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PR410HLF sound awesome, but...


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Two problems:

1. They weigh 128 lbs EACH.



There is no way I would get a 410 that weighed that much no matter how good it sounded. And moving dolly's don't help you lift those bastages into and out of the car, as well as up and down stairs. Cabs that need two people to move are useless to me.

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There is no way I would get a 410 that weighed that much no matter how good it sounded. And moving dolly's don't help you lift those bastages into and out of the car, as well as up and down stairs. Cabs that need two people to move are useless to me.



Go big or go home, nancy-pants! :mad:

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It just comes with the territory I guess. Drummers have their hour of setup/tear down time, bass players struggle with their heavy ass gear, and guitar players start flirting with the girls immediately after putting away their Classic 30 combos. Of course, this is just an example from my limited gigging experience.

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you guys sound old.........wieght is the last thing i look at when buyin



Go book yourself 4-5 days straight of four hour sets, 9:30 to 1:30, with no help loading in and out except the occasional bandmate who you can con into it. Make sure the place has some stairs, and a small door-like entrance, too. Then tell me how much weight matters!


If my Meyer didn't give me such a damn good sound I'd have sold it ages ago.

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