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Line6 LowDown

Craig Vecchione

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Just pulled the trigger on this last night. I need a small combo to handle practice and any jams or small gigs that the SVT/PR-410HLF rig is just too big for. I was really impressed with the tone I could get with this amp, compared it against a couple of new Peavey combos, a Bassman 100, Hartke Kickback 12...basically whatever I could find in the stores to A/B against. I had hoped to try it against a Roland, but none were available.


The amp models are all useful, the effects...well I'm not into effects much, but they seem pretty usable, not overdone or weird. I haven't played with the synth bass yet. It's got a damned good tuner, tracked well on a low-B 5'er in the store.


Time will tell if it can hang with a small band setting.



Sorry for the lame-ass picture....



Biggest surprise of all....I shopped Guitar Center, Sam Ash, and a local regional store, George's Music. CG and SA were unwilling to give any real discount....GC offered a cable, SA....$12. George's took off $50....I asked what they'd do on the price, they asked what I was thinking of spending, I said $350, they said 'fine' right then and there.

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did you happen to try the 1x10 lowdown ?



Yup, and the 1x15. This one was "just right".


Both were nice too. The 1x10 would not handle the low-B at all. Didn't fart, just made it indistinct. But it's a tiny amp, about the size of a Microbass.


I'm pretty happy so far. You get:


An XLR POD DI with ground lift


Headphone out




1/8" MP3/CD input


5 models plus clean...SVT, B-15, Marshall Super Bass, SansAmp PSA into SVT, and synth.




Envelope, Octaver and Chorus effects, based on Q-Tron, EBS Octabass, and TC Electronics Chorus respectively.


Four programmable channel memories to save your own settings.


Floor pedal control, using either the FBV Express FBV Shortboard or FBV2 pedals, via an RJ-45 cable.

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