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Anybody wanna buy some pedals? (GT-6B review inside)


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I just recently acquired a Boss GT-6B.


It took me about an hour to figure out how to work the damned thing, but now that I've got it under control, I am in love.


I have it parked next to my ART BCC and the difference is astounding. My wife didn't understand why I needed a new multi-FX unit when I already had one. So I asked why she needs a new purse every time the season changes. Then I explained that this one will replace all of my pedals if it works as advertised such that I will only need this on stage rather than what I'm currently using.


I knew the modeling would sound good and I figures all of the standard effects would work brilliantly, my biggest concern was the octaver. I loves me some octave for thickening up the pudding and this thing delvers. Perfect tracking and a nice meaty tone. I was honestly surprised.


My only bitch is that the tuner doesn't track the B particularly well. It works fine, but I guess I've been spoiled by the crazy fast tracking of my Guyatone MT-3. Not a big deal since I rarely need to tune more than once per rehearsal/show.



Thanks RSB.

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I just got one about 2 weeks ago. Used it live twice. Our sound man said it was the best sounding chorus and octaver he's ever heard. I've used the EBS Octaver in the past and it WAS the best, but the GT-6B is up there with it. I used to use an ME-50B about a year ago but it watered down my sound a bit.

I sold my delay unit, tuner (all rack), my chorus pedal and EBS IQ pedal the same week I bought the GT-6B. Got the new Boss for $335.75 delivered, and sold my other stuff for $415, pretty good deal on my end, not to mention less crap to carry around!



Mr. Matt

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