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Bass Playing Sabbatical

One Bad Monkey

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It's self-imposed...sort of.


While trying to cut some drywall last night, the box cutter slipped and I got a really nice cut running diagonally on my left thumb. After an hour of holding pressure to it and still spurting blood, I grudgingly allowed my wife to drive us to the Immediate Care facility, where we got to wait another two hours (since there's no triage there, I had to wait for a bunch of whiney kids with coughs) to see the doc. So, now I have what looks to be the equivalent of a condom on my thumb, protecting the three stiches that I got.


I get to go back in eight days and have it checked out and stiches pulled. I guess it's a good thing that the next show I'm doing is three weeks away.

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rub some dirt on it and get back in the game, Nancy....:p


dayum dood - 3 stiches sounds pretty serious....but it should heal up pretty quickly, I would think....


I wonder if you could put one of those rubber finger paper sorting things on there for gigs...it might work...:thu:


anyway, hope it gets better fast..c-d

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I had the stem of a wine glass go through my hand a few months back and I took all of a few hours off. Suck it up Shirley and get back to thumpin!

Sucks bro but it should heal up pretty quickly, sounds like it was a pretty clean cut.

you watch "Scrubs" don't you?

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I wonder if you could put one of those rubber finger paper sorting things on there for gigs...it might work...


I actually did a festival with one of those metal splints on my finger. I had it bent so you could still hit a couple of notes and not worry too much.


Thanks for all the well-wishing. I got plenty of sympathy at work from all the women, and lots of props from all the men.

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That sux big one's hope it heals quickly!


Iv'e been in this boat before. I had a a cyst,a nerve, and scar tissue removed from in between tendons in my right wrist. I couldn't play to save my life for about 3 months, talk about jonesing. I'm just now getting back to full strength and the surgery was 9 months ago.

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I hope it heals well for you.



I once stuck a long piece of metal (the metal that goes through the rubber part of your windshield wipers) into my right hand parallel to the arm in between the middle and ring finger. It went in about 3 inches. I was on my way to a gig. I still played but bled all over my bass.:blah: :blah:



I once stuck a philips head screwdriver through the fingernail on the first finger on my left hand.:blah: :blah:


Really though, get well soon.

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hope it heals quick!


i broke my elbow before and was back to full strength after about 3 weeks. the doctors were really surprised at how i healed so fast. i told them i was playing bass, all that moving around loosened it back up again and made it stronger. they said it was the fastest they'd seen someone recover from an injury like that :D



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Just got back from getting the stitches pulled from the doctor. Aside from having some aches and stiffness in my thumb, it looked fine and I was given a clean bill of health. I was just told to keep it bandaged if I'm doing something where it could get dirty, otherwise it needs to just dry out and heal.


Good thing too; the rehearsals for the show start next weekend.

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