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Fran da Man

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Music labels target college piracy suspects with settlement offer

By ALEX VEIGA, Associated Press


Posted Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 12:56 pm

The recording industry trade group will give hundreds of college students suspected of illegally sharing music online a chance to reach settlements before being sued for copyright infringement.


The move announced Wednesday comes as the industry seeks to stamp out what it is says is rampant music piracy on campuses.


The Recording Industry Association of America said it was sending letters offering discounted settlements to 400 computer users at 13 universities.


The group intends to send hundreds of such pre-litigation letters to university computer users every month.



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Well, it looks like it's time to wage guerrilla warfare against the RIAA. They'll never stamp out the insurgency!



Anything I can do to help tear down The Music Industry I will do.


But I don't want artists to suffer or lose the small percentage of royalties they get either.


It's tearing me apart.

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