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any one use a Neck Sock?


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hey D Aussie, there was a great Motorhead bio on one of the cable channels recently,- did u see it? (pardon my assumption that you have cable)


Lemmy who not use a neck sock, unless it was on part of his anatomy

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hey D Aussie, there was a great Motorhead bio on one of the cable channels recently,- did u see it? (pardon my assumption that you have cable)

Lemmy who not use a neck sock, unless it was on part of his anatomy


No, mate.. cable is not for me.

I mean, I lay some each morning, but dont watch it none.

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All of the "dirt" on my strings, pickups and bridge get there while I'm playing. If your bass collects enought dust sitting ona stand to merit this kind of thing, I would suggest that you play it more....



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All of the "dirt" on my strings, pickups and bridge get there while I'm playing. If your bass collects enought dust sitting ona stand to merit this kind of thing, I would suggest that you play it more....





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unless it contains some magic string cleaning elves or something.



I wonder if I could get them to finish up that improved ceramic-to-semiconductor bonding project I'm supposed to be working on.





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