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Pit Bulls


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My wife of all people sent me this on myspace... BS about breed specific legislation, and California trying to do a blanket extermination on the breed regardless of history. I've seen the debate up on here, and won't perpetuate it any further, but some of the pics got to me:






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i am a huge animal lover, but i think those dogs should be outlawed.





I have a Boxer/Pit mix and while he's capable of being a ferocious killing machine, he will never pose a threat to anyone because he is my dog. He is disciplined and treated with great care.



If you want to change the laws to increase public safety, crack down on the {censored} heads who raise these dogs to fight or otherwise mistreat them.


Just as with guns, the problem isn't the dog, it's the owner.

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How many pit bulls have turned on their owners?


People like to throw that around, but I have yet to see anything beyond conjecture to back it up.


Show me some data that supports the idea that these dogs are inherently dangerous and even if raised properly, they still pose a threat.


Also, if Pit Bulls are banned, Rottweiler will be right behind them as they are the second most popular dog among thugs who should never own a dog. After the Rottweilers are gone, German Shepherds will be next.


A lab owned by an asshole is far more dangerous than a pit bull owned by a responsible person.

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Every single dog attack reported on the news here in Cleveland involves a pitbull.





Do they report the income of the dogs' owners? I'd bet my lunch that most of the evil dogs are not owned by responsible people who live within their means.


Do they report the circumstances of every attack? Nope, they say, "A Pit Bull attacked a little girl in Cleveland today sending her to the emergency room. Now it's time for sports with Dick Slugger."

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A lab owned by an asshole is far more dangerous than a pit bull owned by a responsible person.




he is right on the money. having worked closely with canine counselors for the past few years, i learned this: any dog is capable of attacking anyone. in the same manner, dogs that are raised in a loving, and safe, environment don't have any predilection for violence. if you abuse a golden retriever throughout its life, it will attack you too. same thing for the cano presario.


read this, from a well-established dog trainer: http://www.hooksk9training.com/p191.html

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ANY dog - regardless of breed - is only as good as it's owner... I've known many pitbulls that were as gentle and loving of a dog as you'd ever had the pleasure to meet - same thing with rotties, dobies, etc...

- georgestrings



Yep, I've been in contact with no less than 20 Pit Bulls over the years. Every one of them was just as friendly and lovable as Thunderbroom's Pug, Pookie. Then again, I don't hang out with drug dealers, gang members or people who raise dogs to fight.

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AHHHHHHHHH, the choice of drugdealers and other thug lawbreakers.





How exactly is this the dog's fault??? Do you really think that *if* one breed of dogs is outlawed, scum like that won't merely replace them with another breed???


Just like guns, the answer ISN'T to "ban" something - an intelligent person would go after the person misusing something, rather than to inact a ban...




- georgestrings

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Do they report the income of the dogs' owners? I'd bet my lunch that most of the evil dogs are not owned by responsible people who live within their means.

Do they report the circumstances of every attack? Nope, they say, "A Pit Bull attacked a little girl in Cleveland today sending her to the emergency room. Now it's time for sports with Dick Slugger."



They're mostly inner city attacks when a pitbull that for several years was no problem and then bango the thing went nuts. I've seen some suburban one's but most are inner city watch dogs.

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They're mostly inner city attacks when a pitbull that for several years was no problem and then bango the thing went nuts. I've seen some suburban one's but most are inner city watch dogs.



So inner city dogs whose purpose in life is to guard something or other while spending 24 hours a day on a short chain or in less than acceptable living condistions are prone to just going crazy after a few years of that treatment.


No {censored}.


How long would you last on a chain before going insane enough to attack someone for smelling funny?



Again, the problem isn't the breed, it the owner. As has already been stated, if Pit Bulls are eliminated, then those who wish to have aggressive attack dogs will move on to another breed. Rottweiler attacks will start making the news. Once the Rotties are done in, there will be a spike in German Shepherd attacks and so on down the line.


The problem is people, not animals. If you want a solution, address the problem.

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So inner city dogs whose purpose in life is to guard something or other while spending 24 hours a day on a short chain or in less than acceptable living condistions are prone to just going crazy after a few years of that treatment.

No {censored}.

How long would you last on a chain before going insane enough to attack someone for smelling funny?

Again, the problem isn't the breed, it the owner. As has already been stated, if Pit Bulls are eliminated, then those who wish to have aggressive attack dogs will move on to another breed. Rottweiler attacks will start making the news. Once the Rotties are done in, there will be a spike in German Shepherd attacks and so on down the line.

The problem is people, not animals. If you want a solution, address the problem.




Well, if you want to look at it logically...




- georgestrings

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ANY dog - regardless of breed - is only as good as it's owner... I've known many pitbulls that were as gentle and loving of a dog as you'd ever had the pleasure to meet - same thing with rotties, dobies, etc...

- georgestrings



A big +1.


This is a really sad topic for many. They want to outlaw not only pitbulls here in IL, but Rots, Dobies, Huskies as well. Not fair to the dog. My parents have a husky. Most loveable dog I've ever met. My friend has two dobies and a german shephard. Just as loveable.


The dogs have a bad rap because some wanna be gang banger thinks the dogs look cool and look even better when they're fighting and making money.

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A big +1.

The dogs have a bad rap because some wanna be gang banger thinks the dogs look cool and look even better when they're fighting and making money.



that's an even more upsetting situation. if i had my way, anyone who trained dogs for fighting and that kind of abuse should be hit with the hardest of animal cruelty charges. people who do that to animals that could be loving, dependable pets make me sick.

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It's not just bad owners, the pit bull breed has been damaged by breeders intentionally selectively breeding to make their bloodlines more aggressive. There ought to be a way to create laws that would allow bad breeders and bad owners who create dangerous animals to be rounded up and shot. :mad:

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