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why do i want a rhodes?


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i cant explain it other than i dig the sound and after all it is a classic sound:D


hi im normally over at the bass forum but i thought id stop over here a bit:wave:

ive been thinking about getting a rhodes piano to help with some composing nothing too complex just toying around:thu:


what say you keyboard playing peeps about the rhodes?

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Anything trem sounding is the leslie cab.


They are a bastard to move. My dad's friend has a B3 and a leslie (refurbed by the same guy who does paul schaffers stuff). The organ weighs at least 350 lbs, and the leslie is brutal to move as well. It is a spinning horn, then either a down firing 12 or 15 with a spinning chute to direct the sound. The whole thing is built into a hardwood case and is about 20x20x48 (plus it has a tube amp in it IIRC). It's like moving a friggin armoire. But nothing sounds so dope.

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I've got it's cousin: a Wurlitzer 206 student model modded to 200 model specs. Totally love the thing. I got it for $100 but I had to do considerable modification to make it portable and external amp-ready.


Took it from this:



to this:



There were controls and jacks on the console under the keyboard. I had to do away with most of them, while keeping the circuit functional. It was nerve-wracking because it runs on 140V and up till then I had only worked on 9v pedals. Got it done though!

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i thought i was in the keys forum:o

i cant delete:cry:

ignore this thread



I can understand wanting one , many a great tune was recorded with a Rhodes somewhere on the track , they really are fun to play , kinda heavy and prices going up and up , so get one !

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I've got it's cousin: a Wurlitzer 206 student model modded to 200 model specs. Totally love the thing. I got it for $100 but I had to do considerable modification to make it portable and external amp-ready.

Took it from this:


to this:


There were controls and jacks on the console under the keyboard. I had to do away with most of them, while keeping the circuit functional. It was nerve-wracking because it runs on 140V and up till then I had only worked on 9v pedals. Got it done though!


I like the Wurli's too , some classic Stones comes to mind .

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If it were me (a keyboard player), I would watch for that "special deal" to come down the pike, and not pursue it until then. They are expensive, and very heavy to move.


I think that much of the appeal is strictly the mojo, although they tend to be like a guitar or bass in that they only have two knobs to effect tone, they have actual pickups, and rely on the amp for some of their sound. Very much the string player's mentality!


If I was offered one at a ridiculous price by a good friend, I'd likely take it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to buy one. While I prefer old synths myself, the same would hold true for a Moog, a B-3, or a Prophet 5. I'm not a touring musician, I don't NEED any specific synth, and usually don't have a couple thousand dollars lying around waiting to be spent. Good luck with your decision!:thu:

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they are awesome! my bro has one and i love them. such a bitch to gig with though, can't really set it up by yourself.


i don't know what response you got from the keys guys, but check out Native Instruments elektrik piano.


you get a rhodes, 2 wurlitzers and a clavinet. i know it's software, but they've sampled every single key at all the different dynamics, should be pretty realistic, i haven't tried it yet.

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I have a Rhodes in my basement studio. It is a heavy beast but nowhere near as heavy as an actual piano would be.


I have loads of fun running the Rhodes through guitar effect pedals and finding what engineers and musicians have known for 30 years; the Rhodes is a truly awsome instrument and can achieve a wide variety of sounds.


Try to imagine a craptastic song like "Just The Way You Are" by Billy Joel without the flanged Rhodes sound.....

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