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OT: Useless Poll of the Day/Cats or Dogs?


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Just thought I'd throw this out for ya'll to vote on. Most of the firearms forums I've hung out on the people tend to be Dog people, not many of us Cat people around. In fact, some of the guys on the firearms forums think it's great sport shooting cats, makes me so mad when they talk about doing that I could put their head thru a wall for em'. Anyway, have at it and let's see where we stand on this forum.

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I find that I'm neither a dog nor a cat person. It's up to the individual animal. My wife's Border Collie, which became our Border Collie long ago has really spoiled me for other animals. He doesn't bark. He minds. He simply doesn't do 99% of the annoying {censored} that dogs do just because they are dogs. And he is loyal and attentive...something that you can't get from an overwhelming majority of cats.

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Sounds like you've got a great dog there. That's one of the MAJOR things that turns me off to dogs, they like to bark and wake you up a 2 a.m. My cats are very attentive, Baby Girl sleeps on the foot of my bed and Bunny, the male, checks on me off and on all during the night. I'll wake up and he'll be sitting, looking at me, about an inch from my face, LOL. He also brings his ball to me to throw for him until HE is done then I can get on with my live posting on the net or what have you. It's hard for me to go to another room what that they don't follow me. Both were strays(Baby Girl was a barn cat and Bunny just showed up at the house one day, must have been droped off by someone) and I love the heck out of em' both. I'll try and get some pics ready to post later today.

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Sounds like you've got a great dog there. That's one of the MAJOR things that turns me off to dogs, they like to bark and wake you up a 2 a.m. My cats are very attentive, Baby Girl sleeps on the foot of my bed and Bunny, the male, checks on me off and on all during the night. I'll wake up and he'll be sitting, looking at me, about an inch from my face, LOL. He also brings his ball to me to throw for him until HE is done then I can get on with my live posting on the net or what have you. It's hard for me to go to another room what that they don't follow me. Both were strays(Baby Girl was a barn cat and Bunny just showed up at the house one day, must have been droped off by someone) and I love the heck out of em' both. I'll try and get some pics ready to post later today.




My cat's name is Bunny too:D

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In fact, some of the guys on the firearms forums think it's great sport shooting cats, makes me so mad when they talk about doing that I could put their head thru a wall for em'.



I would really love to troll that forum and report them to animal services. Assholes.

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Yeah, I'd like to kick some ass on pussies who shoot cats.

Dogs aren't self-sustaining, and that makes it ten times harder for anyone who plays music or is gone on the weekends.


Heck, I LIKE having cats around the barn, they take care of the mice so I don't have to. I'd never think of shooting one unless it needed to be put down because it was hurt/in pain. I had to do that to Baby Girl's mother. She got a kitten stuck in her when she was giving birth and it died. Since she was a barn cat and semi-feral I couldn't do anything to help her but put her down, it was really hard to do but needed to be done. :cry:

It took about a month of talking to and being around Baby Girl down at the barn before she'd let me pet her, now we're unseparable, she is everywhere in the house that I'm at, same with Bunny. Cats really are as friendly as dogs if you're nice to them.

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I would really love to troll that forum and report them to animal services. Assholes.



Unfortunatly, here in Tennessee there's nothing that can be done. A Feral cat on privite property has zero rights. Now if you shoot someone's dog, well, you'll get fined or go to jail but cats don't count around here. There was even a guy that posted a pic of a cat he'd shot, man that pissed me off to no end. I view ever cat as a potential loving pet, even feral ones can be talked to and made to get use to people. And besides, cats don't bother anything when they're around. It's not like a dog that's running cattle or something.

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Unfortunatly, here in Tennessee there's nothing that can be done. A Feral cat on privite property has zero rights.



This is why it's so important to spay and neuter all animals. There is such a huge homeless pet problem it's ridiculous. If everyone would spay/neuter, the problem would be greatly reduced.

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I view ever cat as a potential loving pet, even feral ones can be talked to and made to get use to people. And besides, cats don't bother anything when they're around. It's not like a dog that's running cattle or something.



We had a feral cat come live in our backyard. He never bothered our cats but was "protecting" us from the gray cat that lives behind us. We were eventually able to sweettalk him into accepting us. Now he's fixed and one of our best cats. He talks alot, sometimes too much and even uses the toilet. Really a nice guy.

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My grandfather used to have a dog when I was a kid. It was his. Not my grandmothers. most definitely. When my grandfather died it was passed on to someone in his family I think. It was a black lab. That thing used to scare the {censored} out of me. It was bigger than I was and probably just happy to see me but when that dog came running at me... me being 6 years old at the time... Well... You get the picture.


Anyway I've worked as a mailman and met lots of dogs. Some wanted to kill me and some were friendly. I suppose it made me somewhat more of a cat person. I've never met a cat that cared enough about me to want to kill me. In the end I prefer friendly dogs over cats.


Edit: And also thsi poll is invalid. There's no Boalg option!!!

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I didn't know that a "Boalg option" was a must for polls around here. I'll remember that for the next time.:thu:

My cats like to "talk" a lot to my wife and I too. Every morning when my wife gets up to go to work Baby Girl jumps off of the bed and "talk" to her for a couple miniutes until my wife pets her then she's ok and gets back on the bed to sleep somemore. (the cat, not the wife,LOL) I grew up with dogs, I have nothing against dogs but I'd just rather have cats. Like some have said, they're easier to take care of. You put food out for a dog he'll eat it all and starve for the next couple days if you're away, a cat will only eat what it needs and save the rest so you can go away for a while and not have to worry about em' starving.

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I love cats (especially my two). Other people's dogs are OK. I also greatly enjoyed the 7 pet rats my wife & I have had.



If hubby would allow me to, I would have a pet rat as well. And a snake. And a tarantula (sp?) and a few lizards and maybe a tortoise!

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If hubby would allow me to, I would have a pet rat as well. And a snake. And a tarantula (sp?) and a few lizards and maybe a tortoise!


You'd just end up having to feed the rat to the snake and that'd break your heart. :cry:

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