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Final Four!!!


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As a Buckeye fan, hate to have to face Georgetown! They look pretty good-much rather have had a rematch with N.C. with Oden in the lineup this time!

For the finals, still hoping on a Florida/OSU rematch. Not so much to make up for the football devistation :freak: but we lost to them in B-ball pretty bad earlier in the year, AGAIN without Oden.


GO BUCKS!!!!!!


Mr. Matt

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Hell, I'll even root for Florida big time if it ends up Fla. vs. Georgetown!!!

Mr. Matt

Know what really sucks? LSU actually beat Florida in b-ball earlier in the season. And LSU did pretty damn bad this year. :eek:

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Didn't LSU beat them in football too?? It would be pretty strange to have both LSU's football team and B-Ball team to have beaten the champion in each sport if it works out that way!


Nope. LSU lost 23-10 to Florida. :(

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