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ot - Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims


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The report said
teachers feared confronting
'anti-Semitic sentiment and Holocaust denial among some Muslim pupils'.



There's the rub. Fear. Like it or not, a lot of people are afraid of Islamism and Muslim extremists. If someone made a political cartoon showing the Pope as some sort of child molester, you can bet people would be outraged. Still, the newspapers that printed it wouldn't have to worry about getting their buildings burned down or their employees murdered. You can make a film criticizing Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, or Buddhism and be pretty sure you won't be killed for it. You can't say the same thing about Islam.


I work with a lot of people of the muslim faith and not a single one of them is even close to being a wackjob. Most muslims know that murder is wrong and don't believe in all this extremist crap. Still, violent extremism is far more prevalent in Islam than it is in other religions. Unfortunately it's very hard to have an honest discussion about the topic because whenever it's brought up the apologists seem to come out of the woodwork with their false accusations of "ignorance and bigotry."

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we're talking about the fact that some people believe it is better to tell a child a lie than risk hurting his little feelings by telling him the truth...




Well. Technically it's not a lie. It's not like they're saying it didn't happen. All teachers and educational institutions have to choose what to teach and what not to teach. There is a ton of information. Not all of it can make into the curriculum.


Now. How they can say they won't teach about the holocaust is beyond me. It's an important lesson in history. And. What's even more upsetting is the reason given.

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Luckily for our children, the US court system disagrees with you.

So you want your children taught that there are no absolutes?

Billions of years ago the origin of Species began in a pool of stagnant water, from out of the stagnant water a single celled bacterium developed, millions of years later bacterium split off and formed other species and continued to split and evolving into other species, probably tadpoles and fish, millions of years later those species branched off evolved into an amphibian then millions of years later a reptile then millions of years later reptiles the reptiles then branched into mammals and then mammals then branched out into apes then the apes branched out into homo erectus then BLA BLA BLA

Oh ya this makes a Lot of sence:rolleyes:

You want your child taught a lie other than the truth?
I want my child taught the truth no matter whom it offends.
These thin-skinned whiners need to build a bridge and get over it!

If you don

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Well. Technically it's not a lie. It's not like they're saying it didn't happen. All teachers and educational institutions have to choose what to teach and what not to teach. There is a ton of information. Not all of it can make into the curriculum.

Now. How they can say they won't teach about the holocaust is beyond me. It's an important lesson in history. And. What's even more upsetting is the reason given.



Thanks for the fine point, les. I agree exactly with everything in your post.

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Yeah, protect these kids from getting offended. That'll get them ready for the real word.



Yeah, a real world in which we avoid teaching factual history to them, so that we actually validate their wacked out positions.


Frankly, anyone who believes or teaches that the Holocaust did not happen simply rejects Modern / Western society, will never successfully integrate, and needs to be expelled immediately.

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There ain't no denying the holocaust for me because I had a great uncle who died in a nazi concentration camp. He fell out of a guard tower!!!

I laughed. We're both going to the hell I don't believe in.

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You're free to believe whatever you like, but I think you are wrong.



oh well


I have absoley no doubt you are wrong


so I guess we can agree to disagreeand support those who are fighting for our side of what we believe better yet get up on the front line and join in the battle:wave:

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bunch of damn public school graduates....can't stay on topic for 3 posts....some of them biz-natches can't eve figure out what it is....



we're talking about the fact that some people believe it is better to tell a child a lie than risk hurting his little feelings by telling him the truth...

The UK and Europe in general is much much farther down this road that we are currently in the US....and paying the price....

I posted the thread because I dread the day this story will have a US by-line instead of coming out of Europe....

now - I've given you the topic....discuss amongst yourselves...

It's a non-story. It's some teachers in the UK. Based on a "study." Published in a trash read. And nobody's telling lies anyway. The facts are available to everyone in the free world. And parents can teach, too. And should.

Why do you overhype this non-story? You dread the day this story will come out of the US? Well, stop living in fear. And don't perpetuate it.

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oh well

I have absoley no doubt you are wrong

so I guess we can agree to disagreeand support those who are fighting for our side of what we believe better yet get up on the front line and join in the battle:wave:



I'm in the battle....much more actively than I was for years. How's this, I'll make you a deal. I'll reread books 1&2 of genesis, hell I'll read ALL of genesis, if you'll read "The blind watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins. Deal?

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Yeah, a real world in which we avoid teaching factual history to them, so that we actually validate their wacked out positions.

Frankly, anyone who believes or teaches that the Holocaust did not happen simply rejects Modern / Western society, will never successfully integrate, and needs to be expelled immediately.



Well - I didn't exactly get from the article that the teahcers were denying the holocaust....they were just not teaching it because they are afraid of hurting someone's feelings or afraid of facing an irate parent....


which illustrates one of my beliefs: that the modern educational system in the US (and Europe apparently) is increasingly less about teaching knowledge and how to think critically, and more and more about social engineering/political correctness and self-esteemism.

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It's a non-story. It's some teachers in the UK. Based on a "study." Published in a trash read. And nobody's telling lies anyway. The facts are available to everyone in the free world. And parents can teach, too. And should.

Why do you overhype this non-story? You dread the day this story will come out of the US? Well, stop living in fear. And don't perpetuate it.



Pretty sure it ran on the BBC as well...


As far as being a "non-story"....I see it as symptomatic of larger problems in our western culture. It's a major story with a new chapter written every day....

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I'm in the battle....much more actively than I was for years. How's this, I'll make you a deal. I'll reread books 1&2 of genesis, hell I'll read ALL of genesis, if you'll read "The blind watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins. Deal?



already have:wave:


I would rather have you read Romans

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That's seriously stupid.

...of course it is, I'm suprised, though, that US schools aren't doing the same...who knows? some may be...that's what happens when PC runs amok, like it does now & actually has been for a long while, it's just hyper-amok now, thanks to our Liberal friends...

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Pretty sure it ran on the BBC as well...

As far as being a "non-story"....I see it as symptomatic of larger problems in our western culture. It's a major story with a new chapter written every day....

I'm all for teaching facts and not sugar-coating or ignoring them for PC purposes. But I would guess there are still many atrocies our kids aren't learning much about in public schools. Good thing we have books like this, which I hope is now required reading for students:


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History is never kind to those who abuse the present.

Being a Christian, personally, I am often offended by people's views of and the way society portrays my faith - if I was never offended, my faith wouldn't be any different from the philosophy of this world and would therefore be meaningless.

...yes, but Christians don't count...it's perfectly fine, almost commendable by the Left, to offend Christians...look at the "My Sweet Lord" exhibit, & during the Easter season at that...

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I'm all for teaching facts and not sugar-coating or ignoring them for PC purposes. But I would guess there are still many atrocies our kids aren't learning much about in public schools. Good thing we have books like this, which I hope is now required reading for students:


That's a good book to read but you want to be careful if you quote from it. He uses many questionable sources and gives a one sided view for many events.

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