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The assumption..


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that as a bass player, if you don't have (at least in my are on the scene that i play on) an swr goliath 410 cab, an eden head, and a ken smith really pisses me off.its just amazing when i talk to bass players here, and i ask them "what bass do you want" Ken smith. not downing their basses, but its really annoying. what happened to individuality,honestly!! i had a galveston 7 string bass, and it was funny how cats "hated on my bass because it want a 5 or 6 string bass and wasn't a recognised $4000 and up bass. it really got to me, i felt like telling a couple o em "ill play whatever you buy me".geeze, like i would talk to some guys and say, yeah man, i would rock an ampeg rig, and they would say, "dude that stuff is for whit boys" im like WTF!!!!! and you are making $100,000 a year playing the bass. i think i need a change of scenery. i am really considering moving to dc and trying my luck at the music scene up there, i really have nothing to loose.:mad:

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I rock an Ampeg rig........oh....wait....I'm white as paper..........



Nah, it's kinda the opposite around here. Everyone looks at you funny if you're not rocking an Ampeg 810 and some form of Ampeg head. My local "scene" looks at you REALLY funny if you run anything without that bass setup, a decent drum kit, and 2 guitar half stacks. Combos are a big no no around here...I dunno why. That being said, even though I do rock mostly Ampeg, it's cuz I found I actually like the TONE, not cuz of the name. EVERYONE I know looks at my Fender cab sideways...it just doesn't seem right to them.

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Interesting retrospective idea:

bass rigs between the races! ;)


In all honesty, gear snobbery is a bitch, and stupid. And knowing what you rock, the last thing I'd be doing is railing on your gear my man!

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I could give a hot {censored} what someone thinks of my rig. Honestly, I kind of want Avatar to send me some of the big, cursive "AVATAR" logos they put on the front of their cabs so I can put them on my grilles.

I work in a high end bass gallery, and whenever someone asks me what I play, I tell them GK, Avatar, and midline Spector. If they act like I'm a sucka, I ask them where their band is gigging these days.:idea:

A majority of gear snobs never take their boutique {censored} out of their basement. {censored} 'em.:D


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I could give a hot {censored} what someone thinks of my rig. Honestly, I kind of want Avatar to send me some of the big, cursive "AVATAR" logos they put on the front of their cabs so I can put them on my grilles.

I work in a high end bass gallery, and whenever someone asks me what I play, I tell them GK, Avatar, and midline Spector. If they act like I'm a sucka, I ask them where their band is gigging these days.
A majority of gear snobs never take their boutique {censored} out of their basement. {censored} 'em.


I gig every bit of kit I've got. Boutique or otherwise.



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that as a bass player, if you don't have (at least in my are on the scene that i play on) an swr goliath 410 cab, an eden head, and a ken smith really pisses me off.its just amazing when i talk to bass players here, and i ask them "what bass do you want" Ken smith. not downing their basses, but its really annoying. what happened to individuality,honestly!! i had a galveston 7 string bass, and it was funny how cats "hated on my bass because it want a 5 or 6 string bass and wasn't a recognised $4000 and up bass. it really got to me, i felt like telling a couple o em "ill play whatever you buy me".geeze, like i would talk to some guys and say, yeah man, i would rock an ampeg rig, and they would say, "dude that stuff is for whit boys" im like WTF!!!!! and you are making $100,000 a year playing the bass. i think i need a change of scenery. i am really considering moving to dc and trying my luck at the music scene up there, i really have nothing to loose.



Ok now that is near impossible to make any sense out of. It reads kind of like a drunk and pissed off boy#152.:D





...really though, proof read that {censored}e man!

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whats this high end were talking about here? All my stuff is middle of the road, theres a {censored} ton more stuff out there that is more expensive. The stuff I play makes the noises I want it to and how I want those noises to sound.


Most people look at my bass and say "hmm Lakland... never heard of it" Only a few people in the area whove played it know how it stacks up to a Fender.

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Heck, I'd call my bass rig "midrange" at best. There's ALWAYS more expensive or better gear. Don't get me wrong - I love what I've got, but compared to some of the rigs I've seen...


Even the Warwick, really - $1800 ain't THAT much when you start talking basses. That said, I sure don't bag on the Geddy, or the fretless that's coming, or the Urge that I'm probably going to sell. Not a bad one in the bunch.

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Are you implying that SWR and Eden is high end gear? :D


The cheap stuff is fine. I'd rather have something that was cheap but is awesome for the price than something that was expensive and pretty nice but really not worth it.


I have some pretty expensive stuff -- but I bought it cheap, and it's nothing the average gear snob would even recognize.

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haha man i have the same problem here too, most people seem just content to buy fender/ampeg for their rig, and don't get me wrong the tone is nice...but it frustrates me when people ask me what rig i have and i say ibanez/genz benz and their eyes glaze over...



I mean cmon, really...if it sounds good to your ears, as if it matters!

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