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Gallien Krueger or Ampeg


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Hey, I'm helping my bass player do some research on a new bass head...currently he has an ampeg B2RE head and an ampeg 8x10 cab rig..this is an good sounding rig... but sweet cab and ok head, makes him want to upgrade the head to either an svt series head or try out a gallien kreuger rig(possibly sell the ampeg cab if the gallien head works better with a gallien cab)...which of the two brands would any of you recomend and why?

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GK, no contest.

Have him try the GK1001rbII head with the Ampeg 810 cab. If there's a GC nearby he should be able to demo this combo without having to buy the amp. He'll want to buy the amp after he plays it, though.

Ampeg is overrated.



I agree.

Between these two, I'd go GK all the way...unless he went all tube, but with an 8x10, he's carrying around enough weight. :p

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When comparing Ampeg and GK, personally, when I went from demoing the Ampeg to the GK, it sounded like someone took a big blanket off the front of the speaker cab. The Ampeg sound is nice and all, but I just want more out of it. The GK sound, to my ears, gives me that "more."



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I went back and forth on the GK 1001 and the Ampeg SVT-VR. I played both. They both kick, but I went for the Ampeg. But I will tell you this. The gig I did last Saturday, I had to borrow a rig because theh one that I ordered hasn't come in yet. I used the Ampeg 810 and a GK 800 and I got quite a few comments on how good my tone was. But I have also heard that the Ampeg is more reliable.

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I went back and forth on the GK 1001 and the Ampeg SVT-VR. I played both. They both kick, but I went for the Ampeg. But I will tell you this. The gig I did last Saturday, I had to borrow a rig because theh one that I ordered hasn't come in yet. I used the Ampeg 810 and a GK 800 and I got quite a few comments on how good my tone was. But I have also heard that the Ampeg is more reliable.



There are few things in this world more reliable than a GK800rb. You can stir your breakfast shakes with it in the morning and gig with it at night.


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If bang for buck is an issue you might do better with GK. Find a decent used 800RB and you're {censored}ting in tall cotton. They sound great with the 8 X 10.


There are a ton of them out there, too. Prying them from their owner's cold dead hands is the hard part.:D


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Ampeg makes the best bass head in the world, the SVT-CL and in my opinion its their only really good bass head. The sVT-V was great too, but they disco'd it.


The 800RB is an awesome head and sounds amazing on an Ampeg 8x10. Plus it can power a guitar 4x12 at the same time and that my friend is tone heaven!

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GK heads are all very loud for their watts, with great tone control, clarity and punch to the low mids which I adore.


Every one of the 10 or so Ampeg heads I have played sounds like someone beatboxing their bass by comparison, and mega quiet. Ampegs just seem very quiet for their watts and not nearly the tone flexibility.


Ampeg does one thing right in my experience - the SVT-CL and SVT-2 pro. If it ain't all tube, don't bother. They are way, way behind in the solid state race.


Even their hybrids are crap by comparison to Genz which can be had for equivalent prices (GBE 600 v. SVT-3 Pro).

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The 800RB is an awesome head and sounds amazing on an Ampeg 8x10. Plus it can power a guitar 4x12 at the same time and that my friend is tone heaven!

I once used an 8X10 and put a 2X10 on top of it with an 800RB. I was playing a Stingray with a pick at the time and it was SICK. :evil:


I've seen several used 800RBs out there recently but they are often just beat to {censored}. Bent rack ears and missing knobs.

i want to get it fixed but the quote is about $250. that little head sounded great.

I would spend the $250.


BTW, I play with an SVT-CL all the time now, but I still think the GK is a great sounding amp.

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