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Tube Watts Versus Solid-State Watts


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power 1:1, but in terms of heard volume, i have read that tubes create a harmonic that gives a greater apparent volume per watt....anyone? am i full of it? i have a 20W all tube guitar amp that is far too loud....can blow the freakin house up....

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In both cases the wattage rating is usually continuous, meaning the maximum power before distortion starts. Tube amps start to distort earlier than solid state as they approach saturation. However, the difference does not become audible, and in fact is sometimes desired for its growl (while still considered clean), until beyond when a solid state amp would start distorting. It's the same reason behind why most guitarists prefer the sound of tube vs SS overdrive/distortion (unless you're going for the squarest wave possible for hardcore metal, in which case a solid-state amp is always going to chop the wave off more severely).

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I've heard that tubes can basically make it sound like your runnin an amp of 3 times the wattage of a solidstate with the same wattage, cause of harmonics and such. Don't know if that's true at all, but i'll tell you this. My Classic 400(400 watts tube) could over power a XXX(guitard 100 all tube) easily, I mean i would set my volume on 3 and he'd have his amp at almost full, and i've still got the original tubes from the factory(1999 I believe) in my classic 400. Sadly they're almost gone so i'm gonna have to get a full retube. I'm was blown away by my GK though so i'll never go back to the 400 for live sound. Maybe recording, but definately not live. After all that bitch is big and heavy.


Here's mine



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A watt is a watt, but how you define it can be different.


A watt is a measurement of power dissipation, nothing more, but if you define its value as peak power you get a different figure than you do if you rate it as RMS power.


And then there's that whole tube harmonics thing...


But a watt is still a watt.

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cause like all but 2 have this slight blue glow, and the amp has seemed to get pretty week and start to get this kinda hum/whistle thing that my ex-guitarist said happend when tubes are going out.


Slight blue is good. Red is not.


The hum/whistle is hard to diagnose without hearing. :) It is possible you have a pair of tubes that need to be replaced.


In general, a good set of tubes will last you decades.

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there's a place around here that an old man runs and he's always been really good about things like that. It's also the only shop around here that carries Spector/Gibson and other high end basses + he's already worked on my amp when the original owner had it, my ex-guitatist original bassist.(he's known my friend/ex-guitarist Jay for a long time)

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