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Tube Watts Versus Solid-State Watts


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True. It is even more "expensive" if you don't actually need 8 new tubes.

Ah, great minds think alike ;)

Any good tech will tell you whether you need a full retube or just a partial retube. If it's only one pair of tubes (since power tubes work in push-pull pairs) that are bad, just replace those.

Pre-amp tubes last a loooooooong time. Probably no use to change them, unless they're noisey or microphonic. Tap the tube gently with a pencil with the amp switched on to determine whether they're microphonic.

Mind you though, some tubes are pretty microphonic by default. I changed the 12AX7WAs in my SVP-PRO to 12AX7LPSs and they're much more microphonic. It's a trade-off. They sound so much better.

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